R2-YDA Astromech Technolgies Recruiting. (RL First, Family Oriented, Close-Knit friends.)

Hey there

R2-YDA is currently recruiting miners to bolster our corporate production abilities as well as pilots interested in other aspects of the game.

What we can offer to you…

  1. Access to multiple moon ore facilities where you can maximize your isk per hour mining and enjoy 0% tax on refining.

  2. O% corp tax access to our production facilities which also offer research and invention.

  3. Our own market hub, where you can also enjoy our 0% corp tax rates.

  4. Access to ships and equipment of all types at rates below market value.

  5. An Ore Purchase Program where we pay you the estimated market value of your ore.

  6. We are an RL first, family oriented group of friends who will help you in any way we can.

Contact a recruiter today to get you started.

Para la contratación en Español contacte a Zarjo Dallocort por favor

За регрутацију у Србији, Хрватској, Босни, Црној Гори, Бугарској и Русији, контакт Rosayana Xin

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