Rapidly declining players

I had a colleague back when DNA sequencing was becoming big, who was a biologist. He used to joke that if you put a cow in a lab and asked a biologist what it was, they’d look at it and quickly say 'it’s a cow". But, if you did the same thing with a molecular biologist, they’d look at the same cow, but then want to run a DNA sequence first before answering.

The analogy being, sometimes you don’t need graphs. Taking a look at everything around provides the same answer that a graph will, and more quickly.


Something about a fat guy in a little coat, T-bones, and a steer’s ass.

I have, station walking isn’t it LOL.

Literally no one cares about in station walking.

Immersion? You’re literally just walking around. Trying on clothes.

Woopie quafe doo LOL.

That won’t reverse decline. We need content in space, not in stations.

Just go old school and RP in local if you’re in a station or make a discord kthx :smiley:

I dunno man. In all my time playing NMS, I’ve never marveled at a station.

I feel they should be adding content where it matters, out in space, not in the station.

To me, there should be way more reasons to undock than to stay docked.

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Nah…I just don’t need 16 month ones where someone deliberately cherry picked the start and end at completely different times of the year. The whole point of a graph is to compare like for like.

I would much rather have AIR/NPE style interactions with all Missions than Walking in Stations. Something that’s actually content. There is a reason why Captain’s quarters were removed instead of remaining in place for the few who used it.

While numbers are declining, how much of that is due to less multiboxing? I know personally I’ve dropped down from 5-6 alts to just one. I just don’t find myself wanting to log in more than one account at a time. We do see more new players coming into the game, but that’s being offset. Partly due to the sub price increase, partly due to other various reasons.

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I for one welcome only one account.

I feel multi-boxing also arose due to people wanting to not have to interact with others to accomplish goals too.

CCP loves it, cause you get multiple bang for your back per person.

Or have tea and scones with someone who has a kill right on you. Hmm, I mean surely a station would be the ideal place to exercise a kill right.

Not really the only purpose, but that aside, Jestertrek has tracked and published a lot more over the years.

The recent reddit thread (with more graphs, including a longer time series since May 2006):

Index of additional graphs and data on his site:


There were two summers in the graph. You could see the “recovery” from last summer clearly…

I noticed you changed from ‘nobody wants it’ to ‘Literally no one cares’, I guess this is an admission that you acknowledge that some players are in favor of such a feature. There is no question about you opposing it.

Personal asides like ‘Woopie quafe doo LOL.’ do little to advance a discussion.

Perhaps you have made suggestions elsewhere about improving the player base. In a previous post I set a challenge to post here on how to achieve this.

I would be interested in what content ‘where it matters, out in space’ that you are suggesting.

I agree that EVE should be playable, and enjoyable with one account, I do have 2 accounts but that is mostly for marketing slots and PI, as I enjoy making stuff.

Dude you have either no Imagination, or just plain stupid. Of What Walking in station could be. It would bring a hundreds of different ways to play eve. From Having your own apartment , outfitted with the trophies you have won, to wearing the best clothes in new eden and parading them on the concourse, to playing the roulette, with isk and ships, or poker , or blackjack, or ripping of loan sharks and seeing if you can get out of the station alive, the possibilities are endless and appeal to more people than all of eve player base at the moment. so yeh, no point in having walking in stations as there is nothing to do.

My guy, you’re talking to a dude who literally decked out his house in UO and various other games to no end.

However, EVE isn’t that type of game. You see, everything you said keeps people docked. Out of the actual space where content is made.

Now if you’ll let me blap those dudes in the station and steal the ISK they are using to gamble, I’m all for it. Somehow tho, I’m sensing you wouldn’t want that.

I am well aware of the joy of playing interior decorator. EVE isn’t that type of game.

WiS means docked. Which means absolute safety. Which means content avoidance.

I want content in space. Like I said, you wanna do that? Just dock up and RP in local :smiley:

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Dude i Agree, with the premise, the reality is, when you have enough isk you dont bother to undock , unless a fleet is called and you just sit there ship spinning, bored out of your head for hours, I have not ratted for isk in decades (Nearly :). but as for your statement can i shoot the dude thats got the isk only if he is a criminal , of course, with a bounty hunter permit. go for it in the station, set up traps, with your mates. A Criminal is a criminal anywhere in space or in a station. thats just logic. And as for the delay to get to your ship if a fleet is called , can you imagine the hilarity in jita of 200 people running to there ships as fast as possible, but thats unreal , and a teleport to ship hanger would be a more logical solution.

That is all on you bruv. You are bored because you simply can’t entertain yourself.

The problem isn’t the game or having too much ISK.

Its you :smiley:

It ain’t our fault you’re too scared to solo roam and are just a null krab my guy.

So yea, that’s a phat no from me dawg. Keep your contentless content.

Let’s campaign for actual space content, not fashion party in the station with fake dancing girls kthx.

Dude in 2003 i was solo roaming and fighting way outnumbered, the Countesser, and pirate gate camps. You dont even know these people very few do. I tell you what if i go omega again, I will meet you anywhere for a 1V1 , in any ship class you want. It will keep this old duffer amused for a second or two. lol.

Dravclad, is that you?

No Sorry. Dont know that name.

Erm. Bro?

It’s 2022 :smiley:

So what you’re saying is you haven’t solo roamed in like 19 years and just became a krab.

Got it :smiley:

“If I go Omega”. Oh. So you don’t even currently play EVE.

Should have lead with that bruv.

Your opinion don’t even matter :smiley:

Shall we say Thanatos at the Jita sun then :smiley: Or are you so poor you can’t waste a cap hm?

Ok I thought you were just annoying but you just seem to be AFK, Check my killboard dude.
Asgaurd | Character | zKillboard