Rapidly declining players

Five days in… Already trashing posts by hundreds at a time.



Thanks, and yeah, I don’t particularly like CCP selling SP’s either. Most of my SP’s were gained the old fashioned way, by training.

Course I have bought a few game packs with SP’s in them, mostly because they contained Apparel items.


When real people are fleeing for their lives with an uncertain future. When the battle field is now a new tech proving ground on how to more efficiently butcher humans. This game has zero standing. Dont laugh at your neighbor across the world cause its just starting heat up and who knows what will happen. RL death is not a thing to laugh about.

The topic is kind of a downer honestly.
It’s a gang of medicine merchants diagnosing “an ailment” and predictably selling their cure. :thong_sandal:

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I dont see no sovs running for their lives.

And at no point in human history has there not been conflict, so we shouldnt ever mention it because of feelies?

Catch a grip.

Be a conscript, be a slave to those who dont care about your life.

I dont see whats funny about that.

Don’t believe all you hear, alot of it is propaganda

What is it you think Ive heard?

Its a fact that some states have military slavery I mean conscription.

On topic: and many of them played EvE and now cant.


Take the player count you see on a daily basis, divide that number by 2 or 3 to take into account all the alt accounts players have, and that’s a far truer number of how many (or few) players are in EVE online. EVE isn’t experiencing a rapid decline in player count but it is slowly bleeding out. EVE won’t go down in a spectacular way, it’ll just eventually wither on the vine with just a few whales keeping it propped up for years before it’s finally shut down for good.

I went back to muck around a bit and haven’t seen anything to appeal to me to come back, what with the combination of gameplay changes that simply made the game not fun anymore, plus other changes done with the UI which has become an irritating trend for me, what I’ll just call a “mobile phonization” of everything or things being changed which ends up hiding options that used to be easy to find, making things unnecessarily complex, or changes because, well, reasons.

On that last note, what the ■■■■ was so wrong with the probe scanner list on the left hand of the screen that warranted moving it to the right hand side after so many years?

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That new UI is some beta UI thing (photonUI) that was forced on players recently, you can turn it off in options & get the proper smaller bit less screen waste UI back to restore missing functionality.

Oh I’m not even referring to that although idiotic things like that do NOT convince me to stay and play.

I think CCP doesn’t use the forum much not because they don’t want to, but it’s for the sake of their mental health.

They work a lot and you people only cry about everything and are very unappreciative.

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I find you difficult to agree with.

Based on what I have seen over the years I’d say that miners in Eve for example are the worst set of gamers I have ever come across.

Eve was heavily marketed as a pvp game so anyone seeking to play it should immediately understand that it’s likely they will need to defend themselves in one way or another. Also there are mechanics in place that miners can use to prolong how long it takes to be ganked so that the agressors get concorded way before they’ve killed anything. Nobody can ever argue that the mechanics aren’t there.

The facts are some people play this game in an ignorant way where they are completely unaware of what’s possible, anyone trying to inform them of what’s possible will get their head bitten off.

If you are a miner learn about shield and armour resists, not just mining amounts, learn how to make your ship last longer if it’s attacked, learn how to make friends and build partnerships, learn how to create a defensive pvp fleet with a goal to simply provide remote shield and armour reps, if you all end up dying in a ball of flame, understand what went wrong and try again, inspire your friends to keep going and be a part of the team and help your team as much as you can to achieve the common goal.

Complaining about pvp won’t help unless you are prepared to learn something about pvp, nobody is telling you how to play the game, they are telling you what you need to know in order to play the game effectively, understand that there is a consequence to ignoring people trying to impart knowledge to you, you will not know what they know.

Some eve players will log onto the game for the first time and turn off all communications, no one can contact them, local is minimised, they have no interest in talking with anyone or learning anything, they wont join a corp, they are only interested in doing exactly as they please. All of this will make them an easy target and there’s nothing anyone can do about it. Just understand that they are the ones putting themselves in that position.


Gotta agree here. I donno that I’ve ever heard one of my suspect/ganker friends be a poor sport. In 10 years. PvEers? At least one goes completely ballistic every day. It’s pure entitlement and CCP will burn if they continue to pander to their most toxic playerbase (the PvE only club)


It doesn’t really matter who’s a good sport and who isn’t. It doesn’t matter who throws a tantrum. Gameplay shouldn’t be balanced based on who’s whiniest or who’s winning at smack talk. All playstyles are part of the ecosystem.

All playstyles should be enjoyable to keep people in the game. That doesn’t mean that there should be any aspect of the game that is PvE only, and it doesn’t mean that there shouldn’t be ganking, it also doesn’t mean that the whole game should be nullsec.

These playstyles need to be balanced, with consequences and considerations for each. When they aren’t players leave out of frustration, and that’s bad for the game in general AND for players enjoying other playstyles than the ones leaving.

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It’s 100% Free to watch the game go down the toilet on the Forum…

It takes time & effort to login and NOT have a lot of fun ingame.

I await the MER - it’s the highlight of the month now since CCP refuse to listen to it’s players.

I can’t wait to see this latest BS update S(HIT) the fan and fail - It never worked before - It will not work this time either.

I think CCP has overestimated there worth in the Gaming Community yet again. They have no idea, that there are a myriad of games out there that are free, and they actually listen to there players. To make there games more appealing to all players new and old. Yet CCP just seem to want new players that are uneducated, no such thing these days, when you kill your main player base, Those that stood by you when you were close to financial failure. and you think people cant type what is eve like in google, then you are screwed.

No I 100% understand people leaving. It’s no player’s responsibility to fix CCPs game design. They don’t owe CCP any kind of labour. EVE is a service you pay for, one way or another. There’s no duty for any player to put effort in on CCPs behalf whatsoever.

Every player should choose for themselves if Eve is worth their time, and if it isn’t they owe it to themselves to ■■■■ off and do something else that is worthwhile.

CCP stopped listening so long ago, why should I pay/stay for more bad decisions?

I think they do listen. On these forums, on other forum, through the CSM and other specialists.

I know what you mean, but that’s not them man, that’s us being ignorant of the generally weaponized environment. It’s a lot.

“The future belongs to those who have the courage to believe in the beauty of their dreams.”
– not Eleanor

Neither CCP, nor we, should give up. Also, we can dream better.