For some reason, I wanted to use a kiting railgun Raptor in solo pvp. Partly because it’s highly underutilized ship - even the blaster version is underrated. But also because it does get an optimal range bonus, and the shield resist bonus means you don’t have an em resist hole. All around it’s just a pretty solid ship, good top speed, and it’s an Interceptor - interceptors are cool as ■■■■. Especially a nano kiting one. However the railgun Raptor does struggle with lackluster DPS at kiting ranges, and to make matters worse it has garbage tracking as well. So it can be quite a struggle trying to actually hit Interceptors, and I generally found that against a good tackle ceptor pilot, I was pretty much toast.
Still, I recorded all these fights. The videos aren’t very good, they’re just very basic solo pvp compilations. I have yet to add any commentary or cinematic effects. But this was my attempt at learning how to manually kite in a non-fotm ship, and it worked to my advantage a lot because people didn’t really know what to expect - who flies a kite Raptor?
I have flown ships like the Slicer before, but it just felt like it had been done to death, so I didn’t really feel passionate about it. The Raptor felt more innovative to me. It does have its issues, but it also has a lot of strengths, so it’s a ship I’ve come to love.
So check it out if you want. Comments and criticisms are highly welcome.
Oh and I also have a few other Raptor fittings that I’m gonna be trying out soon, so I’m pretty excited about that.