The addition of all these rocks and structures to Drone Horde sites have made carrier ratting excessively difficult. Now, I can either blind warp in, and hope I don’t bounce off or get stuck in a rock, or warp in and try to place a safe bookmark to warp back to in my carrier.
A handful of times, i’ve warped INSIDE a rock and had to cyno myself out after asking someone else to clear the site. Because my fighters were also stuck inside the rock.
It kills any enjoyment, having to scout a site, possibly warp to and back, several times. Just to make sure I’m not getting stuck.
its a buff to crabs actually. because now everybody will sit at range and thus become harder to catch by hunters. CCP has a long habit of buffing carebears though. Years ago they changed NPC aggro mechanics to disadvantage of hunters, they nerfed dictors by giving half the ships nullification… this change is yet another hidden nerf to pvp, if you’ll not be decloaked by some garbage inside the site, you’ll likely be way out of tackle range. This game is less fun by every patch they unleash upon us. In a foreseeble future laggy blob warfare will be the only way to score kills.
Huh. I’m not aware how getting stuck inside a rock, unable to warp away is a buff. Mind breaking that down?
Forgive the salt. I just tried ratting again and my alt is currently sitting inside a rock, completely logged out, while I hope the rats don’t kill it before the log off timer pops. I’ll post up another vid once it uploads.