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Rogue Drone hive discovered in the vicinity of Hoiyori

Nannaras X - Hoiyori Colony

May 27th YC 120


An unsettling discovery has been uncovered in the mountain range overlooking the Hoiyori colony and its people. Hidden in the bedrock was an abandoned factory formerly belonging to an unknown corporation of Caldari origin. What was once a production plant for what appears to have been for camera drones was turned into a festering hive of defected rogue drones.

The hive was uncovered after Myrskytuuli rangers reported sightings of drone activity. The rangers observed them before being spotted by the machines. The drones began to flee and the rangers gave chase all the way to the site in question. While waiting for reinforcements, they proceeded to scout ahead and gather intel before sending the cavalry in. What they discovered was horribly mutated computers, cameras, doors – Anything with a electric pulse was apart of this larger construct deeper within. Immediately knowing what they were now facing, turned back only for one of the rangers on the scene to be ensnared by a tentacles of wires and swiftly dragged deeper into the abyss.

Our lone ranger then quickly fled out the way they came and reported back in with an update; that visual contact of Rogue Drone activity had been made. The reinforcement detachment was then quickly replaced with a special forces unit dubbed “De-bug”; a unit that specializes in removal of rogue drone infestation. Equipped with “Chill” suits to mask wearer’s thermal signature; EMC wards, EMP flux grenades and magsec SMGs; two squadrons of this elite battalion delved into the den to cleanse it of these robotic abominations.

While exact details are confidential at the time. The Regiment has called the mission a success with the De-bug unit performing at peak efficiency in the removal of this nest. While the equipment inside is a bit beyond salvageable; Tokitu Yaken was very pleased with the results.

“We will not allow these abominations to run freely in our humble domain. Certainly not so close to the homes and families I’ve sworn to protect. Let it be known that any defected drone will not find refuge in this world; that they will not insult nature with their presence; I guarantee this. Already we have diverted funding into expanding the De-bug unit after such a flawless operation.”

  • Tokitu Yaken

But of course, there is an unfortunate side to this story. The butchered cadaver of the Myrskytuuli ranger was discovered. For the sake of preserving the man’s dignity; we will not disclose the details to the public. But our hearts are with the family of Lieutenant Viox Baldara. We applaud you for your service.

But to make matters worse, the Regiment has approved the release of details regarding the possibility of several drones having escaped during the raid though the facility’s ventilation network. They ask that if any individual that spots any sighting of drone activity on this landmass; they report to their nearest Regiment enforcer at once. So long as those defected drones are out there. The chance of a new hive forming is at a all time high.

In light of this, Chief Fabricator of Salvaged Fortunes industries, Viokoro Velen, had some troubling sympathetic words on the presence of the Rogue Drones.

“You don’t go kicking the hive; in this case, figuratively and literally. These drones appear to have been minding their own business until we stormed into their home. Did they attack our rangers when they spotted them after all? No, now the survivors are gonna start the whole process over again and look at us as an actual threat. Even a non-sentient computer has the capacity for memory.”

  • Vikoro Velen

Tokitu has not openly commented on Viokoro’s words. Undoubtedly with the recent death of Lieutenant Viox at the hands of these machines her words don’t settle with many. But as a member of the CORE council, she is entitled to that comment, no matter how insensitive it may be. But as the Regiment’s Paalikko has stated, the presence of Rogue Drones will not be tolerated.

Along with the Reigment’s victory. The Stelmari Exchange gets in on the fun for being responsible for the sale of any salvaged parts recovered from the destroyed drones. After any trace of the drone A.I has been destroyed. The parts could be safely put on the market.

“Capsuleers eat this stuff up. Always needing new parts to augment their drones or to construct those excavators that chew away at mountains of veldspar. While the exchange won’t exactly be making billions from this salvage, I can easily sell it. Hell, I can sell just about anything.”

  • Stelmari Oksasio

ZANIE will follow this story as it develops.