It is implied that with damage mod and maxed skills, implants even.
Also, Hawk actually has good dps, gets about 260 with rage and 1 damage mod, no implants and the 2nd bcs is actually doable.
As for the Vengeance, that thing has never had good dps … it shines with range control and insane tank.
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So basically Jag is a Hawk but with a third low.
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And now the assault damage control became even more useless but with a green cross inside.
+75% shield, armor and hull resistance for 13, 15 and 16 seconds - weeeh
Jag has received a drone bay. 20 cubic meters storage with 10mbps. this raises the DPS to 175 with Rage rockets and one BCS.
Now all that’s left is to increase its CPU a bit more and we have a winner \o/
Guess we can bling fit for that cpu or implants.
Are the assault frig changes also coming on February 13th along with the structure changes?
Couldn’t find that info
It’s in the video they released on the launcher so probably yes, also it seems they are not changing HAC’s yet which is good that needs more time.
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