Really quiet Place for Ice Mining. NO CODE

Sabriz Adoudel is entirely correct to point out that CODE (as well as other sociopathic types who like killing miners, ganking under-armed ships and generally ruining someone else’s day for fun) do indeed inhabit this thread, this forum, the in-game chat channels and so on.

Simplified: whatever you say publicly might be of use to someone who might like to blow you up, so be very careful as to what you say and where you say it.

Haplo Shannow is also correct to point out that many of them will publicly use one identity and then attack ships using a different one to obfuscate who they are and destroy any chance of the two identities being linked.

Simplified: lots of people lie about who they are and what their motives are. Not everyone, but more than a few.

The thing is, in truth, most of us know this already, or at least you should do if you’d played the game for more than a week.

Eve is, in effect and at it’s core, a game that involves skirmishes, battles and outright war between different competing sides over finite resources and as such, there’s a really simple principle to bear in mind: you’re in a war and as in all wars, careless talk costs ships, lives and much more too.

Hasn’t anyone considered that OP might want CODE to be aware of this. Probably some miners stole his roids from under him and now he is peeing back on them by letting code know that carebears are about in that spot…

You didn’t read much of the thread did you? :upside_down_face:

Have I been the only one to notice this “1 group with 10 orca” ?

Seems weird, I mean I have seen orca mining in group alone (only orcas) in highsec already, but ten by probably the same dude ? fishy botty

No code activity, and increase in newer players in the area. You are all just paranoid :slight_smile:

It will turn into new Gelhan in no time.


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you can’t be TOO cynical in EvE.

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I have some insight into the situation in this particular system:

The miner w the 10 orcas has been there for years and is a huge jerk. He wardecs or ganks anyone else who tries to mine any of “his” ice. It is a great system with a very high spawn rate and great location. No one person should be able to hold it like it was Sovereign High Sec. OP is simply attempting to knock over the stinking sandcastle that has been standing in Erkinen for too long by getting people to move there and increase the pressure on Erkinen’s so called supreme ruler.

It wont take much more to break him and he will be so very salty if he is forced to leave. A couple of focused Ice miners who are resilient to wardecs and gank tactics can out mine him - he mines EVERY BELT EVERY DAY - and is often AFK.

If you are up for it, living there will bring you rich and intense content.


Too bad bombs can’t be used in highsec, I could bomb these orcas all night long for the fun. Well if anyone has any idea how to counter a little more than 5000 dps coming from the 10 orcas drones, I’m all ears.

Looks quiet to me :wink:

I prefer lowsec… stations, JF’s, no bubbles, decent enough pi and ores and ice, little to no code or anyone like that. but I do have to watch out for the BIG dogs… like goons and darwin and bastion and snuffed out…

dotlans is nice for helping to select these systems. I used to use the in game map feature but since the changes, I rarely use it now. NOT EVEN SURE WHY THEY STILL HAVE IT

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