Reason for hosting with a third party?

I have to say … it leaves uneasy feelings to OFFER OUR Database to a third party … because your point “tq goes down and we lose access to our forums” would still kill this forum - except you gave them a copy of your database … and if TQ is down because of database issues like you say, will single sign on still allow me to login to the forums? I doubt …

Except they haven’t given over any database.

Logins run through an OAUTH service, which gives some minimal information when someone logs in. Enough to identify a user (character ID, an image and a name) and that’s it.

Once you’re logged in, that login is persistent for a day or so (if I’m reading the cookies right) If TQ is down, you wouldn’t be able to log in (while it’s down) but you would still be able to see everything which is on the forum.

basically making it impossible to switch characters - and if you weren’t online that day making it impossible at all to do anything because OAUTH is usually down as well ^^ …

well as long as you dont remove the twitter news I can live with it

actually, having checked the cookies, it turns out I’m wrong. :slight_smile:

looks like the cookie to manage logins is more like 2 months.

Which are both frequented by CCP Devs more than their own forums are.

As far as Discourse goes, it is right up there with twitter and facebook for “fuk I hate this”

This endless scroll and constant freezes due to the forums trying to load everything instead of what i want to see

is just way too much on low bandwidth connections. This one lasted just under a minute to load this thread.


Perhaps a feature enhancement would be a profile setting to not auto-load images.

Well, as a 40 year old systems engineer, I prefer my websites not to require a user manual. Reddit is about as usable as OS/2.


And less scripts. Though for some reason blocking Google Tag Manager speeds up things immensely.

Also, common usability & readability standards.

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I’m disgusted, especially by the adding of google tag manager as a cross site script.
I actually had to enable google tag manager in noscript to allow to load the page initially, and I absolutely hate having to allow marketing related scripts running on my browser.

I agree with Siege Red, disabling Google Tag Mananger (which seemed to work once the site loaded initially) leads to massive lags when scrolling.

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