Recent Patch Huge Buff for Suicide Gankers, THANKS CCP! <3

Could you please post here an example of such whining?

Hint: Pointing to a ganker “whining” about someone else that’s the one actually whining because he thinks the game is “unbalanced” and favours ganking, doesn’t qualify.

Again, citation needed, please.

Am I understanding it correctly that this is what you consider an example of a non-false accusation? Or do you mean something else?

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noob ships (corvettes) are magic ships, generated out of thin air by undocking and redocking.

Oh god, dryson post incoming

Could the reason be that they are running bots elsewhere in the game?

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Haha, I know, I think you missed the point here, my question was rhetorical.

He seemed to be making this appear a bigger deal than it is by pretending the corvettes must be manually generated one by one that way… Except I said shuttles instead of corvettes precisely for that reason

A starter zone :slight_smile:

Herzog’s cure for disaster (help noobs, save the game)

  • Make empire NAVY NPC factions actuallty at FACTION war with each other so noobs are actually PVPing in their Corvettes from day one. Have noob missions send them across paths of the players in other areas. This puts to death the “victim/victimizer” slots that Eve players get stuck in.

  • Have NPC corps sporadically declare war on each other, with their own destructable temporary stations or citadels even, so that players not in corps will fight each other and old and new will fight against and alongside each other. Again, no more victim/victimizer roles, not “falling in love with ships”. Make players into these scrappy pugilistic types.
    Oh wait, the litterbox crowd don’t get their grief and tears. F them.

  • Make Faction Warfare actual warfare by having players gain a rank in their faction that means something and they get rewarded ships only they can fly (because I can hear the “hurr durr I’ll just sell them” forum fu morons already) . Rank and performance in actual PVP, not plex bullcrap, but other player kills, means more rewards, better ships, higher rank, etc.

  • Make resources FINITE. That is, you mine the balls off a moon, it stops yielding! How hard is this? Everybody and their brother ratting in a system? The rats say “hey, it’s a bit crowded in here. Time we moved operations for a bit”. Mine the rocks to death? No rocks for a while.
    Oh but the farmers! Hear the lamentations of the farmers! HURF BLURF I’M GOING TO QUIT IF I CAN’T ENDLESSLY FARM FOR NO REASON DAY IN AND DAY OUT! Deal with it. This will actually make people move around and cause… OMG oh no it might get in the way of… FARMING… conflict! You know, like 90 percent of all strife and conflict in the entire history of the human race.

  • Fix fleet battles. When every ship in a fleet tries to lock a target, all those signals bouncing off it are going to create hell for a successful lock. That’s right, no more F1 monkey baitball. Ship size versus “how many can lock it” versus “size of the ships trying to lock it”. Make fleet battles great… uh… FOR ONCE.

  • But give every ship the option to “strafe” meaning, fire in the same direction you are facing. Oh, going to lock people up with that ECM ship? Heh heh. It would also look cool.
    Bombers can do it with bombs, so should everybody.

  • Get rid of the CSM. The real world is starting to see the farce of these “democracies” - you know, the kind that is gamed to death and you are told your vote matters by people who have it rigged in their favor. Who wants to pay to play a game that is still stuck with it? Lets have real leadership here by CCP.

  • Blow up Jita 4-4
    or put a nasty tariff in place. Are not the Caldari tired of having to handle all this load and not be compensated?

  • Use copyright law to put an end to people using blogs or personal websites to libel and slander or make fun of other players. Make all game convos property of the game and any sharing or posting a bannable offense. What happens in Eve needs to stay in Eve. Nobody will pay to be the butt of someone else’s joke.

None of this will happen. We can’t have nice things. But I was already not subbing again because the people who slandered and falsely accused Brisc have not faced any kind of justice for their actions. This means there is no law, just mobs and gangs, and as a player there is no protection from meta-injustice.

Everything that you mentioned can be gamed, min max, and exploited.

Finite resources? Cool, an organized Lowsec fleet will just rip through all of the valuable resources with their supers and lock newer players out. This also means that AUTZ, CNTZ, and EUTZ players are in the best positions to cherrypick and take all of the good resources before USTZ players even get a chance to wake up. Sucks for them living on one side of the planet, right?

NPC corps with destructable stations or citadels? Do they drop loot? If they do, congrats, they’ll be farmed for loot by organized groups. If they don’t, then why waste time with it? Again, this doesn’t actually help newer players. Newer players would’t even have the game knowledge to know how to attack a structure.

How do you even plan on enforcing this? Lmao.

Oh yeah, CCP should just “fix” them. Brilliant idea. Just “fix” fleet battles.

Why would we need this? What does this actually do to “help noobs” as you said?

Why? How does this “help noobs” and “avoid disaster”?

LMAO, ok not gonna lie you had me in the first half. Good troll.

Congratulations, you truly understand the harsh universe that EVE Online is supposed to be. :slight_smile:


I was in the back of my mind thinking you were going to sperg on this. I must have left quite an impression on you. Thanks for taking the time.
You might be in need of some self-honesty.

I’m just on vacation right now and have plenty of time to kill. It’s a unique experience to see the kinds of ideas that high sec carebears have and I’m just commenting on how it seems like you really didn’t lit much thought into any of these. That’s all.

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Sure you are.

Okay, fair enough, but it still seems really silly to me to play off buying and hauling a shuttle for every catalyst and pre-seeding them etc. like it’s not a significant pain in the ass. Not really going to argue it any further, it’s all pretty obvious if you are the least bit familiar.

It did make sense when based in Niarja. That has changed now.

Nice thread.
Well done.

humm nothing new here its been this way forever they gank you then undock from station in a noob ship pulling concord from the belts. come right back and gank u again lol

however if you use and alt to bring concord back to the belt with a sacrifice gank to keep them in the belt this is consider a banable offence

never understood that why dont the gankers get ban when they pull concord from the belts when they undock in there noob ship

You are confusing consequence for safety.

CONCORD is there to provide consequence for an illegal act, not act as a warm fuzzy safety blanket of protection for anything/everything that goes bump in the night.

No. No, that’s not true at all. Ask a GM.

Only if you recycle alts to do it to avoid the security hit, which some miners tend to do. Otherwise it is perfectly fine to pre-spawn CONCORD in your belt.

if ccp wanted to stop concord ship manipulations they just need to make highsec gate and station guns instant lock cycle and instant kills after so many seconds of a player getting flagged

it isnt that way so i see nothing wrong =)

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Or, ya know, not have deliberately programmed that feature into the game in the first place.

You mean CONCORD and the red security setting are not hacks but deliberately implemented features? Oh dear!!!

And when CCP respond to this thread by removing this feature for gankers, or by brutually nerfing ganking somehow, we can all thank you for your stupidity, Galaxy pig?