Red Frog Freight - High sec freight service

They 've been the best service thus far, I 've tried looking for alternatives but none rly match both their delivery times AND prices, which ofc go hand-in-hand.

Thanks once more.

It has been more than a month since the RFF price change mixed up with a month-long New Eden event with a 70% drop rate. With the coming of the new freighter the Avalanche and the 70% drop, ganking went into high gear, especially in Uedama on the weekends. Not that almost every day wasn’t like Lollapalooza, though perhaps the weekends could be more akin to Burning Man! During the Corruption month of March Red Frogs Freighters’ max time issued-to-completed was 8.9 days but with the Voltron powers of Kusion, Apo, The Bob’s, Hawks, and other friends Flashy Red powers of interdiction the Red Frogs max only fell too 9.5 days. Terrible slow scum-dwelling lily pad lazing amphibians. But there was some light in that darkness, the average issued-to-completed only moved from 1.2day average to 1.5 days. Not too bad for most contracts. Quite excitingly, in the months without any extra cool mechanics, acceptance-to-completed usually sits just below 3 hours. In March it only fell to 3.5 hours; this month it was just a slight 3.7 hours.

On time and fairly priced!

Come one, come all.
We haul for them all.