I know CCP wants Zarzakh become a simple pirate base, but 6 hours stargate lockdown timer is just crazy.
Maybe one hour is a reasonable lockdown timer
What do you think
I know CCP wants Zarzakh become a simple pirate base, but 6 hours stargate lockdown timer is just crazy.
Maybe one hour is a reasonable lockdown timer
What do you think
Zarakh is a carebear base.
What is CCP’s reasoning behind 6 hours and what is the benefit of the 1 hour that you propose?
bumped this to Player Features & Ideas - EVE Online Forums
The 6-hour limit was introduced because people were using Zarzakh as a highway to other parts of space.
CCP designed Zarzakh as a single system with a pirate base that is accessible from four corners of the universe. In their naivety CCP did not expect people to abuse the system not to access Zarzakh but to access the other three corners of the universe from their corner of the universe. This was not intended.
This is why CCP introduced the 6 hour timer, to make sure that people can still access Zarzakh from all corners of the universe but restricting movement so that players can only return the way they came unless they’re willing to wait.
For regular ops waiting a single hour isn’t much, especially high-stakes timed fights on the other side of the universe, so I think that reducing the 6 hour wait limit to 1 hour brings back many of the issues that CCP wanted to avoid with the 6 hour wait limit.
I do not think that reducing the gate lock down to 1 hour is a good idea.
I think CCP put 6 hours for good reason, dont need to call it crazy, dev know their job.
If you have problem with time on Zarzakh gates then dont go there, EVE unverse big enough.
Agreed. It wasn’t meant to be a shorcut for large alliances to carry out their attacks.
If this was the case the timer would have been there from the start. I’m not sure how you can work on a game like eve, then go all shocked Pikachu when players use a system like this as a highway. You definitely can’t call yourself competent at that point.
You’re not wrong.
Unless they were planning to tease us, then take it away.
Not a good idea.