Regarding the current subscription sale

My subscription ends April, 2021. If I cancel it, then buy a yearly sub under this sale, will I get a year of the sale price starting next April, at which point it just resumes as usual? Or will it start now and I lose the months leading up to April, despite having already paid for them? I just need to be sure…I’d really like to save $20 for the next cycle, but not at the cost of the remainder of this one.

that adds up to

Even if it is my personal opinion. Since you still have a few months to go, think carefully about whether you would like to complete another year now, just because it is cheaper.

I also made 3 year subscriptions a year ago. I wouldn’t do it again, the interest in the game can pass quickly.


Game time you buy now will simply extend your subscription - not replace it. Same if you use PLEX to add a month. If you have an ALT who needs training, you may want to wait for the next 90 day + free MCT promotion - they’ve been offering those quarterly for the past year or so.


I get that. I do come and go, but I always come back. This is the only game I still play online these days, and I enjoy it. Whenever I feel like I need a break from it, I jump to my best training clone, and pack the queue. I used to buy shorter terms, and over time realized it’s a waste of money. I figure this is going to be the best option to buy it a year in advance…and if I can save $20 on this for a year, I should do it.

Thanks. I’ll take advantage of this offer. I do have two alts, but I plan to sell one, and the other is fine as is. I barely have time for one character, let alone two. I have enjoyed pure solo play for years, so I really have no need for alts anymore. I’ll keep a 20m sp alpha laying around collecting dust in case I ever find a use for it, but the 5.1m sp alt is going up for sale as soon as I learn how to do that.

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