Regional market jumps wrong

Newbie here, but wondering why when sometimes I buy stuff on the regional market, it will say is 5 jumps away, then when I go to my personal assets it says it’s something crazy like 2145569992 jumps away? I can’t get to my stuff I just bought and can’t sell it since I don’t have the right level to do that…

Did you buy something, then move into a wormhole? I’ve only ever seen distances that large when either you or the assets are in a wormhole, and the other isn’t. Could you provide a screenshot?

Did you block certain system along the way to there?

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I don’t believe so, I wouldn’t know how lol

You have hit Avoid System accidentally, so there is no way to get to the station you need. I’m not in-game but you should be able to his “Manage Waypoints” then Avoidance List or something like that to remove them


No, not that i’m aware of, I was buying some components and just looked on the market, made sure it wasn’t too far and then when it shows up in my assets it shows that number. i’m including a screenshot

Hello Admiral, I cleared the avoidance list, I only had the Jita system listed. However the problem still exists.

Hello again Admiral. Although your fix didn’t help me, the menu did, I disabled the option for avoiding systems where pod killing has recently occurred. This corrected the issue. Now the question is am I in danger to go retrieve these items LOL.

Thanks so much for helping me solve the problem though!

No worries =)

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