Regional Market options

When I look at the options under regional market there are two options I am not sure how to use/do not understand

Sell orders deviation and buy order deviation

What do these mean and how would I use them?

I see no such options, where exactly are they?

Edit: ok, found it. Not in settings but in Order/Buy display-options. Just put the pointer on it and you’ll get an info about it.

Let’s say you’re trying to trade PLEX, but you don’t want to see the numbers (or the graph) for the stupid 10 ISK region-wide orders, or for the 3,000,000,000 ISK scam orders. You can use those options to filter the market where you only see the average price +/- 50%, basically the “reasonable” orders.

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Ah, OK, I see. So it filters out the stupd orders essentially. Thanks

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