Remove Interdiction Nullifier or severely limit its use

No. You won’t, you will still be inside the bubble when the MWD cycle ends and will not be able to warp away. And since a Sabre is like 10x faster than you and only need to approach the point where you cloaked, your chance of survival is actually close to zero. You shouldn’t need to rely on the idea that the tackler “sucks” to even have a chance.

Sorry bro, don’t try to sell stories to us. Your cloaky-camping stile is not about bubbles and the ways of preventing to land in them. You intentionally try to create a trap where the target jumps and then is just inside your bubble while your damagedealer decloaks as well. And if he tries to run, your Sabre can easily outrun and scram him. If he tries to reapproach the gate, your Sabre jumps and drops a bubble there as well.

Argue as long as you want, the feedback you got here is pretty clear. Nullifiers will probably stay in the game, because they serve a good purpose to hold some balance between tackling and escaping. You as a perma cloaky camper might not like that, well, no wonder. For the rest of the population it’s pretty good and I am confident CCP can see that.

Have a nice day!

yeah I understand you love your idiot-proof button that gives you the safety you need against skilled players who learned to catch cloakies over the years. But this ridiculous module goes way too far.

No need to get personal, I am not hauling much stuff around and tbh I can’t even remember if a Nullifier has ever saved me. But I like a balanced game where you have to earn your kills. Your kb shows quite a lot cheap haulerkills, I see no reason to change the game just to make it even easier for cloakycampers. Simple as that.

it was balanced before, skilled hauler pilots got away, the bad ones were killed. Now its way too easy for them to get away.

Bad haulers still get killed though. Maybe just not by bad interdictor pilots anymore.


Well, this all sounds like a you problem. You could simply use a fast locking intercepter instead of your dictor. But you don’t want to do that because you want ALL the cards in the deck.

There’s a lot of slippery stuff that an interceptor can grab more proficiently then an interdictor, but a t1 hauler is certainly not one of them: An interdictor can just as easily lock and acquire tackle on any t1 hauler long before the t1 hauler can finish aligning as an interceptor can.