Remove security status penalty

Sorry, you’re right, that should be 16 and I did say there was other variables, it was intended as a ballpark figure as I said. Even if you call it 20 which I doubt it reaches, it still doesn’t qualify as a long time in my opinion.

-2 is an issue, it’s the point you stop being able to travel about freely in high sec, whether that’s roaming to a different area or picking up a new ship. Most market hub → LS routes include a 1.0 system for example. Creating a dependence on an alt.

I don’t know anybody who cares about -5, that’s a peculiar point to be bothered about it. Either you’re all in and not caring or hovering just above -2, which you see a significant number of players that engage in pvp sitting at. Perhaps Grey Ignis can update us at what point he is paying to maintain his sec status as an example? But I’ll be very surprised if it’s not -2.

But either way I guarantee you there is players that care about the -2 point and the consequences of being outlawed in high sec systems. And I don’t think many genuine PVPers are considering routinely ratting to mitigate SS penalties.

Anyway, it’s late, bed time for me.

no, that just prevents you from being flashy in a 1.0 system, see below.

Once your security status drops below certain thresholds, the empire faction police will start hunting you when you enter high security system. Any cloaking device fitted to your ship will also be disabled based on the same criteria, so you cannot cloak up to avoid the faction police.

  • Security status of -2.0 or below means you’ll be attacked in █ 1.0 systems.
  • Security status of -2.5 or below means you’ll be attacked in █ 0.9 systems.
  • Security status of -3.0 or below means you’ll be attacked in █ 0.8 systems.
  • Security status of -3.5 or below means you’ll be attacked in █ 0.7 systems.
  • Security status of -4.0 or below means you’ll be attacked in █ 0.6 systems.
  • Security status of -4.5 or below means you’ll be attacked in █ 0.5 systems.

Wut. I don’t want outlaws or low getting nerfed. I lived most of my EVE life as a low sec outlaw. Rather I want it to be buffed and for it mean something more in low sec. To add content to the game.

you are not an outlaw until just before -5

only thing -2 will do is cause faction police to shoot you in 1.0 systems.

This at worst just means you can warp through HS faster as they will web you before anything else. They do almost no damage and are only a problem if you are sitting around. I regularly use my -4 toon hauling things from HS, even in hostile systems to my militia where I have both the faction police and navy coming after me.

The fact that you think-5 is a strange place to be bothered about when it means players can freely shoot you in HS shows how little you understand about the security system


Stop doing math and fly your spaceship! Kill or be killed!!! Cast of the yoke of the empires! We are immortal!!

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Don’t tell me how to feel! Other players should suck it up so you can have your cake and eat it too?

We’re not the game designers. We’re the players.

Well, if every space ship is informed every time someone enters a system, presumably by some communications update. I am sure the info that a ship is being attacked by a criminal will easily make its way to Concord. I mean thats how they know to come to where the action is right?

Why do you think an account has 3 character slots?

You’re encouraged to create different characters for cases like this.

I mean you can still lose sec status through podding. I just meant normal ship to ship combat should either receive less of a penalty or none at all given the current state of affairs in low sec.

I think the standings (player, agent and corp standings) system could be simplified and improved rather than the system it currently is.

Why do we need it to be so fine grained? Why not have less levels, LS is LS, HS is HS, NULL is NULL, W is W, good, bad, neutral etc.

Who really cares if it’s 0.5 or 0.9? It’s HS to many. Same thing, different number.

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You know how hard it is to pod in lowsec without bubbles? That’s why everyone can run crazy pirate implants.

CONCORD response times, combat sites, other things are different in different .9 or .6 or .5.

So make the response times the same across the major systems security, also agent standings can be simplified, same with corps.

Ha ha ha. Yeah. Good one

Maybe you should learn how the game works instead of arguing to simplify it.

The current system is nicely nuanced. CCP does take into account things like criminal timers for FW pilots defending themselves against pirates and adjusts mechanics accordingly.

Well, an agent and corp either likes you or they do not. not oh I kind of do and I kind of don’t.

How often do players set a player/corp standings to oh kinda liked kinda not liked? They go straight to extreme rating.

Again, you don’t understand this. Please stop saying things that are not true.

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Pretty sure when I set somebody to liked or not, it’s +5 or -5 (or whatever extreme range you want) not oh fluffy in between.

Those are the kind of descrete values we use, we don’t set them to halves or quarters or fractions of like or not.

With misison agents, they either like you and give you missions or they don’t, under the hood it can be whatever, but as far as the player is concerned, they either get them or they don’t and then they have to fiddle about where to find a number, then see what range it is to cross over to liked or not, well just show them a progress bar and how far from liked they are or not. Simpler. For corp standings, same thing.

omg no I’m 0.323434324832 on an agent and have to get 0.323434324833 to get missions, so fing what? You think that’s fun and enjoyable?

omg this player/corp is standings of 0.648327483274932, do we like them or not? Oh I don’t know, perhaps a little fluffy like?

lol what? no we don’t at the very minimum they use -10 -5 0 5 10. Myself and many others also use the granular standings.

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