Alternatively, the strong could more easily protect the weak if we could drop some heavy ships on a gang of gankers.
It’s the natural way of things everywhere but highsec. In highsec you’re just screwed if someone decides you’re a target.
Obviously my “no” answers are biased I’ve never been on the larger side so I don’t know how they think. The only thing I know is from their complaint’s, unfortunately I cannot edit them once someone has voted, otherwise I would of added more balanced points that people would like and so on.
Otherwise I would have just added No - Game mechanics should have side effect’s for N+1 instead.
But tbh I can see your idea working but not sure how CCP would implement it.
Let’s say the more people you have in fleet the slower your align and locking time or something and you can use lore reasoning, being that part of your CPU is being used on Fleet commands and broadcasts so you have less CPU allocated to ship control or something cool like that.
But then again people would just avoid that by making multiple smaller fleets.
I’m up for anything that can give smaller group’s a way to use skill to over power the larger.
But IMO Capital ships are a massive problem becuase they are so damn basic to use, so skill stops mattering as much as preparation and isk, tracking used to be a skill limiting factor until haw guns and tackle fighters came around.
Manual piloting and transversal is not needed at all in caps which reduces skill required even further.
To me that is the major difference between a larger group dropping 25 bs’s on you compared to 5 super carriers, the one you can counter with great piloting skill the other is going to eat you alive just because it costs so much and you don’t have enough e-war to counter all those drones.
You think there is no manual piloting when in a super or titan?
fires bozon into empty space because didn’t properly aim the entire ship
It’s not hard to defang a carrier, even a super carrier. Rather simple, honestly.
After that;
T3 too “stronk”
T2 too “stronk”
Battlecruisers too “stronk”
Anything triglavian too “stronk”
Anything faction too “stronk”
Fleets too “stronk”
cruisers too “stronk”
Destroyers too “stronk”
Frigates too “stronk”
Drones too “stronk”
All that’s left is 1v1 corvettes, and someone will say thats too “stronk” too.
They dont have an “Align to” command?
Sure, but they’re slow. If you’re chasing a fast target, your big toy is always turning. That’s why it’s not optimal against smaller ships.
Against a fleet of small ships, it’s an intimidation factor. If they know what they’re doing, a fleet of smaller ships can kill even a titan.
Yeah maybe but assuming the Titan knows what its doing, its not alone.
Right, and this is part of the problem I do sympathize with the dev’s on. Eve Old Guard players are notorious at min/maxing the absolute heck out of everything. For every solution we could suggest, there are 10 arguments for it and 10 against, depending on the type of Eve you play.
With that in mind, a cocktail of solutions that could be used in tandem to help mitigate some of these issues might be something like:
Longer delay between clicking jump and appearing on field. It wouldn’t have to be too long, even a few seconds, but it’d be something, and allow for more opportunity for a cyno to get popped.
Increased ‘spread’ of the landing area for X amount of mass passing through it
Small spool up time for a cyno. Even 5 seconds, again, can change quite a bit.
And, idk, let’s toss in a better counter-play module to a cyno, like a cyno scrambler you can fit on a ship that either blocks the cyno or dissipates the strength, adding some randomness to where and how quickly you land.
Now, for each and every one of those, I can come up with a lot of concerns they cause for other gameplay styles, like BLOPsing, JFing and so forth. There isn’t any singular solution that is just going to magic bullet it. But all four of those options all target basically one aspect, the aspect of actually jumping into a fight, drop, whatever. Personally, I think that’s narrowminded and should be much broader.
Another theoretical solution might be a group of small tweaks that attack several different aspects, like this:
Increased randomness in jumping into a fight, when and where you land.
A counter play module that can make that randomness even worse. (I personally am not sold on this. It becomes just another module you have to keep in fleet).
‘X’ amount of stuff you can store in stations, reducing the amount of people and stuff you can pour into one structure. If you can’t fit the whole super fleet and capital fleet and all the doctrines into the keepstar, you either have to pay for several keepstars, or some of your stuff might be vulnerable in lesser structures.
Ship upkeep costs so I can’t sit with all my accounts doing a fat lot of nothing and still have a decade of detritus and dust work just as well if I decided to undock it today as when I was actually logging in and playing every day.
As above, you can cite a LOT of concerns with something like this, and a LOT of players won’t like it. But if CCP really wants to fix some of these issues, it’s going to require some significant deviation from the game we’ve known… and people aren’t going to like it.
In their current form, yeah. Back in the day, though, a good dread pilot was worth his weight in gold. I get why they went after combat refitting, but man, a good dread pilot who was Johnny on the spot with his refits could really change a fight. Since they removed combat refitting, dreads have been tertiary alt functions in most uses. Capitals have been dumbed down quite a bit because they were allowed to proliferate too much, and then grew out of balance, and CCP doesn’t know how to fix problems.
That’s fair. Maybe there’s some merit in barring supers from .3 and .4, or else rebalancing .5 to make a new category for .4 and .5 where there isn’t much of a Concord response, but still enough Empire control to bar supers. Yeah, I know that complicates some of the freighters and traders, but hey, I’ve seen more than enough people say they want freighter convoying back in the game, sooooo…
I do agree, though, Crimewatch is bad. Granted, the whole war dec system still is. CCP doesn’t seem to get that the war dec is supposed to be paying Concord a bribe to not intervene, NOT people giving Concord a weekly list of people to just ignore. Maybe that’s part of the problem, too, needing to attack it from the war dec system side as well. Again…
EDIT: Couple of clarity edits because I should totally just word soup all over the place.
9v9 titan filament
Underrated comment.
Witty retort
image of smug laughing anime girls
unrelated meme
Post by Jonah involving the word “bum” or “arse”
You can’t do it for someone else, only for yourself!
Ok hang on
HTFU or “git good” wall of text.
Confirmation of post
Obligatory Grr Goons.
I’m not always rude and sarcastic, sometimes I’m asleep.