Renewal of Bountyhunting, the Bounty Hunter Class Ships!

Na, you re wrong, dont mix all.

The bounty system - pay out system as it is now - is broken.
But its the way it is and probably it cannot be changed much, CCP surely tried it
in the years.

This reward system is additional. To fix the not really good working bounty pay out system.

Gankers - win-win situation:
no. you gank self? you know how it works?
there is usually the ganker, the spy/scanner, the looter. They would have to create another account to shoot themself. But even if they do, they “win” just the access to a new ship class. And they cannot gank with it…

The most gankers have different Alts or are Alts, there are miners, mission runners, industries, low and nulltoons also, as everywhere. I dont see a big problem that gankers exploit by their own toons this system, because the rewards is access to ships (and they have pay isk to get this ships and keep standing high to fly and use them). There is NO access to higher bounty ISK paid outs.

bad ass pilots are bad ass. If you have killrights, suspect status, crime status or neg. sec status -5 or worst
you are always free to be killed. The bounty up on a head itself, is no reason that can be killed legal. Its legitime to be bad ass pilot (i am self), its part of the game. Also the lowsec -10 is a baddass, because he kill other and for this he is free to be killed in highsec and for technis you are not better than highsec ganker. Again, no problem or complain to be a bad ass! :slight_smile:
Bigger Part of the game should be also the contary. I agree it must be a system which is not possible to exploit alot and that its a problematic. But with the ideas:

  • new standing for bounty hunter
  • standing grows depend on destroyed value and % damage made
  • reward are access to ships (which must pay for, not get costfree, can use only with right standing)
    the risk of exploits is not big, contary, many other will be happy for those rewards.

So it’s more like law enforcer rather than bounty hunter judging from first post. There must a drawbacks for the class for making criminal acts like lose standings etc.

These ships should be regularly available off the market or at least obtainable in a way that makes me roughly as available as any pirate ship.

That said, I need to see some niches explained and proposals written for these ships. Right now this thread is “and what if there were more cool ships?!” Which does not a proposal make.

What about being able to hunt with just one pilot from all at the same IP adress same as limiting number of Alpha accounts online from one IP?

So is mining a niche style game play but are you going to suggest that you have to grind in a vent before you can unlock a barge? Of course not. You can fly the ship whether you partake in the game play or not. Eve is nice and free like that.

A bounty LP store, with a ‘bounty hunting ship’ would be fine. But saying you’re only allowed to fly a ship because you grind is a stupid barrier. End of.

you have to grind to unlock higher tier agents for missions, I don’t see a problem with grinding status for better hulls to use.

Apples and oranges.

You can piggy back on someone elses missions to grind standing.

it’s a flaw and shouldn’t be allowed in the gameplay.

I would rather see this like a module not a hull itself, marshal’s badge or something like that with bonuses when standing is high enough.

Those rewards (special ship class) can be 1 idea, 1 of many , to make hunting bad ass pilots more lucrative.
Beeing pirate or ganker is easy, earning is fine, fun is great. Beeing the headhunter / bounty collector isnt many times very lucrative. Many times the pirate is just eaten by the other pirate. Give balance, give content, give reward for all those who like to be hunter, white knight, which like to keep their positive sec status.

Special ship classes which can be used just with the right standing / or alternative: the bonus from this ships grows with the standing, can be an idea in general to make something special and to give a goal to reach.
Also for example reward systems could be created for miners, mission runners. If you mine xxx Ore in Retriever you get access to Retriever special edition, or a skin, or a bonus in mining. Same for Covetor, Skiff, etc.

Now at the rouge drone sites was a great success, many pilots came in and farmed the rewards there (battlecruiser, battleships) + the loot. In general those rewards are fine idea and can be placed in future in many sectors of eve.

I think the solution here would be when a target with a bounty on his head is destroyed , regardless of what he is flying , there should be some sort of punishment on top of being blown up , what this is I couldn’t say , but it would have to be something so bad that would discourage simply blowing yourself up with a alt

perhaps the more expensive the ship that is blown up , the less severe the punishment .

It is bad idea and even if it actually worked, ppls would trade those ships anyway - same to what happened to pacifier and that other one would happen here.

  • we already have “concord” ships - creating new class of ships is not good idea, better do something new with those recently added.

Thinking of a way to reward bounty hunting in a non-exploitable way is an interesting exercise. Obviously ALTs are always going to be able to shoot each other to collect whatever reward is available.

What if destroying a legitimate bounty target earned normal CONCORD LP as a function of the bounty hunters security status, the target’s security status and the actual player bounty paid out? The only change CCP needs to make to the current mechanic is add a calculation for LP to the function that calculates the bounty. The ISK value of the LP shouldn’t exceed the ISK value of the kill - which would discourage farming by ALTs.

I haven’t chased all the ripples but don’t see an obvious exploit and it should be easy to implement from the developers standpoint.


A module that does something for bounty points would be better. Still feels gimmicky though and it would depend on what it does. I don’t understand how an adaptation of an lp store isn’t infinitely simpler.

The bounty system cannot be fixed, your idea doesnt fix it either and nobody is going to come up with an idea that will fix it, it is a hopeless case, let it go.

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