[RESOLVED] - 2019/08/02 - Chat System Issues

is ccp trying to copy bugout 76 ?

I still think the game is a great product to be clear, and I’m more disappointed in the phenomenon of people who play defense for bugs in subbed video games than I am in CCP.

If my tone became a bit more confrontational it’s because of the preponderance of people not only unwilling to identify badness but even attacking others who are trying to give honest feedback on badness when they see it.


Well said. These changes to the game look and feel more and more ridiculous. There are other ways to fix “broken gameplay”. I hope its not the case that blackout has a long-term negative effect but if more do what I do (playing other games), this is the fast train into a dead end with only loosers.

Nah. Your tone wasn’t so bad. Many others were being just plain tactlessly crude. :smiley: I very much agree that lying to devs and deluding them into thinking the quality of the work is higher than it is is much more harmful than offering negative feedback and criticism where it’s due, even if it could be offered more diplomatically.

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also saw a pilot in a asteroid belt who didnt show in local last night myself

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damn it i wanna post my solo kills!

is this about null losing local?

Please dont try to cover for their incompetence at implementing something that actually works.

Just to remind you: Chat is a BASIC FUNCTIONALITY, its not rocket science, nor is it som form of magic.

It’s CCP who chose to abandon their old and working system, and substitute it with a half assed and half done implementation of something that was suppoesed to be better … While in fact it does cause problems every other day, for months now.

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The only way this could be more amusing is if it was also splurging in local too.

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Well, to the majority who know nothing about coding or networking or IT/telecommunications engineering and management, it very much is magic-- and there are only about 10,000 and one things that can go wrong. Also keep in mind that many of the services that offer communications as core functionalities experience service disruptions and bugs before, during, and after deployments, updates, and general maintenance.

We’ve experienced chat issues this evening, but services have been restarted and are now in the green again.

If you’re still experiencing issues with chat, please try logging out and in again to refresh your connection to the chat cluster.

If you continue to have issues, please file a support ticket at support.eveonline.com and the GM team will be happy to help!

I am sure I can speak for many of us here in expressing gratitude for the notifications, updates, and your keeping in touch with us through the forums in general.


No stress, always happy to help :slight_smile:


Will logging off remove local chat user list again?

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If 10.000 things can go wrong it is not much more but poor design. To magic in there at all.

If you break it with your ass while you are trying to do something entirely different somewhere else, it is your poor design that you should work on, and work hard.

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Chat goes down repeatedly for weeks.
CCP announces Triglavians.
Chat still borked.
CCP announces no chat for Nullsec.
Chat still borked.
“No chat is feature.”
“No chat is bug but still feature.”

Sounds a lot like surprise mechanics to me.


Well, maybe fix them right away and not 1 year later after continued community bashes.

Moreover, in the past when chats were still a core part of EVE, this did not happen. You could either play or you could not. There was no frustrating limbo with all sorts of weird glitches that CCP now tries to market as “fog of war” and “blackout”. Furthermore, no one asked CCP to improve a chat system that was working completely fine and which had nothing but issues since it was changed without offering any positive benefit in return.


CCP. Chat is not fixed!


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this game is so funny
we have the same local for
an entire region now …