[Resolved] 202040704 - Unscheduled Extended Downtime

Latest update: The queue has finished processing. We are restarting the server and will bring it up in VIP mode so that only developers can log in and run some checks.

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let meee iiinnnn :frowning:

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does this mean we get free stuff for the lost time we cant play eve?


Bang Bang on the door baby!

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I have the perfect corp for you.

no, it doesn’t

like one of this nice coffee mugs I saw in the EVE store this morning ?

Tranquility server is now open for players. We will continue to monitor to ensure that the issue is resolved.


works fine for now, thanks for the efforts

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Update 12:31 UTC - Tranquility is accessible to players however we are still seeing some issues related to purchases and PLEX. We will continue to investigate and keep you informed.

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Payments issues should now be resolved. Thanks to everyone for their patience.