[Resolved] 20240616 - Login server issues

Yeah, I know. I turned round and found this strange woman in my house…who apparently I married 27 years ago.


Damn. I had a bet with a mate that Eve Online might crack 40,000 today. Won’t happen now.

What is the wide open space you speak of?!?!?

Happy Fathers Day. wife and kids leave me alone for a few hours, and so does CCP. new hamsters when?

Best Post So Far!

Someone forgot feed hamsters ?

pero un dato mas amigo yo estaba en el juego cuanto el juego me saco del mismo y también otra datos mas al reinstalar el juego ahora ya no puedo agregar mis cuentas y me sale en todo momento que debo ir a su pagina oficial a loguear pero no me permite la pagina oficial me sale que no esta disponible este servicio para mi, ahora no se si perdi mis cuenta? estoy baneado? o he sito hackeado?

I have been able to successfully log into tranquility now. it seems the error is fixed.

Server going to restart.

Daily counter doesnt seem to work now

I’m in. YMMV.

[Resolved] Of course, I went for a long walk in the rain and am now waiting for a table to eat out.
Who revived the hamsters ? :hamster:

does not work

Alone or with someone?

…I will tell you for 1b isk :smirk_cat:


:face_with_hand_over_mouth: :blush: :popcorn:


How about you sell me your Veldspa instead?

I sell you any item I hold for 1b isk.

what was the problem may i ask?

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I have a slight idea what this may mean…