[Resolved] 20241007 - Login and in-game issues related to the UI and stargates

LOL they will get it one way or another it seems Uriel

Thanks guys!

I was on my way to Jita only to notice I couldn’t even start the journey lol!
Yet oddly enough my other characters seemed to be unaffected.

A good time to put the jug on for another cuppa tea!

But of course, the bottom line be praised. :upside_down_face:

Just imagine if you’ve only noticed a gate issue right before trying to jump to Jita. :eyes:


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Its looking a lot better now.

Also daily crafting an item is not rewarding as it should.

server is up and issue seam to be fixed.
i told you this might do the trick.
now its time to lay back and wait for ccp to f it up again

That is because from now You need to have PLEX on board.

1 PLEX for every jump You want to have in ship belowe Capital. 2 PLEXes in Freighter.

Except You are in empty ship, then 1 PLEX / 10 jumps.

In Uedama gates it is 10 PLEXes / Jump.

YW o7

reports of gate function working in Derelik and Curse and no plex required

No PLEX requied YET :smiley:

It does, it is just extreamly delayed. For some chars it works after relogin :frowning:

Anyone else having issues reprocessing ores? it says it was reprocessed but nothing in the item hanger…

And now we have a new login issue. All clients disconnected and it’s not possible to get back into the game.

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Same here.

Was in, trying to get back before reboot and got stuck at a gate. Couldn’t jump or warp. Now can’t log back in.

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and its again…

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Supposedly resolved, but still cannot log in :frowning:

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Lots of disconnects…not just me but everyone in the channel I am in.


And again a lot of disconnects since about 16:00 EVE Time today :frowning:

@ccp_swift @ccp_bee

I just got a report on last week’s reddit thread about this that the stargate issue may be happening again today:


Maybe worth looking into, because if this bug is again affecting some systems it’s seriously interrupting gameplay.