Resource Wars Info Thread

yes your right about the LP store which is why according to another post CCP have abandoned it, while they are not removing them currently, they have handed off the mechanics to the event team saying the event team may use them in future events like agency. they did not want to touch the rewards for a 3rd time to make a faucet because “new players wouldn’t know what to do with lots of isk”

So new players see no point in RW, old players see no point in RW. im only grinding the rep now to say I did it before they delete it.


I feel sad about CCP making this the new big thing just for it to get ditched day one by devs and players alike… Makes me wonder if any future content wount end the same way as unbalanced trash…

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just started dipping into this gameplay and for a new player that has barely touched the mining or social skills it seems the rewards are more or less good (for the lowest site) compared to L1 mission payouts.

the LP rewards are apparently bad. perhaps buying the packs in bulk then reprocressing everything but im not sure on the profit you could get out of that.

the skins probably dont sell much. and the apparel is too expensive to actually be a profit (150 mill for a bunch of clothing? come on, i could buy a Battleship for a better use).

the only real complain i would have about these sites is not being able to keep some of the ore. just looking at the ledger it seems like if i was making a really dank profit from those rocks but the ore can neither be kept, nor sold, nor does it have any reprocessing or reaction output.

can understand the Empires want to keep these materials for themselves but at least should give a permit to keep some of it as extra payout. its really weird seeing over 20 mill per haul on each completed site while you get a mere 150.000 isk for the whole ordeal (of course, a well fitted Venture can tank the site like if it was a normal belt but still).

i dont like seeing my ledger close to 200 million when those rocks dont have any actual value for players.

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Well, those rocks have no value, they are worth nothing except to complete a site, as you know already. It is too bad that the ledger associates such a high value to them but you should not be fooled by whatever artificial number is there. If you got to keep some of the rocks and do something with them, they would very likely not be much more valuable than typical HS ores. They are not worth the 20 mil that the ledger says. They are worth about 150k that you got from mining them and that’s the number the ledger should say.

So, ccp put money and time in RW feature and RW flop.

Solution 1. put head in sand and leave it broken …

Solution 2. ignore “head in cloud” advice from council and put real LP store revard and save money invested in RW feature

I think I know which solution ccp stackholders will chose!


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