What was it that you said to me when I merely brandished a weapon…? Oh, yes…
Curious, Kernher… I’ve almost the mind to accuse you of a double-standard but perhaps one can split hairs as to what constitutes reasonable behavior in response to these sort of atrocities because you didn’t “throw a temper tantrum” first. Barring that - tell me, what was purpose of such subtlety if you weren’t even going to involve yourself directly…? Not only did you use biological weaponry, you did not even have the audacity to lead the charge yourself. Instead, you gave that inked up terrorist the benefit - which I suppose is the only real surprise here - but then to just admit to it?
Or was there some message you were trying to espouse in your ‘more moral than thou’ act of violence…? I wonder what the people who would be against the deliberate, indiscriminate attack on families would have to say…
I wonder, indeed…