
What was it that you said to me when I merely brandished a weapon…? Oh, yes…

Curious, Kernher… I’ve almost the mind to accuse you of a double-standard but perhaps one can split hairs as to what constitutes reasonable behavior in response to these sort of atrocities because you didn’t “throw a temper tantrum” first. Barring that - tell me, what was purpose of such subtlety if you weren’t even going to involve yourself directly…? Not only did you use biological weaponry, you did not even have the audacity to lead the charge yourself. Instead, you gave that inked up terrorist the benefit - which I suppose is the only real surprise here - but then to just admit to it?

Or was there some message you were trying to espouse in your ‘more moral than thou’ act of violence…? I wonder what the people who would be against the deliberate, indiscriminate attack on families would have to say…

I wonder, indeed…


Will it all have been worth it if these actions allow the sanction of ritual decimation of slave populations within the Kingdom in order to “pacify” them?

There is a lot of bravura about the disproportionate response capsuleers can avail, yet little consideration is given to the disproportionate response of the Kingdom – especially under its present King and the sa-Baron – can avail themselves.


Yes. Primarily because the slaves, especially in the Kingdom, are already in need and we must not back down in the face of such a brutish tactic as threatening grave harm upon those we are trying to rescue.

That can not, and must not become a carte blanche for Khanid imbeciles to do as they please. If anything, such a response would be a call to act even harder and even more decisively.

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I would say the greater imbeciles are the ones who just handed over the pretexts for just that.


We are simply up for a fight.

Let them do their worst. We’l be coming for them one way or the other, if anything, it’d be a shift in the timetable.

The answer is always to rescue, never to submit.

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It’s exactly that kind of attitude the sa-Baron was counting on, and a bunch of bumbling “freedom fighters” fell right into the narrative he was trying to construct for his own interests.


With all due disrespect…

So what?

If that is really how it is going to be, I assure you there are a lot more teams to throw at his assets if absolutely necessary. Amarr politics and powerplays are none of my business. I could care less if he became the King himself. If anything it would bring about a final conflict much sooner, and yeah, I happen to think that would not be such a bad thing.

You look down on us for “going along with him” while forgetting that we’re just not playing your game. Our “bumbling freedom fighters” will leave a mess of bodies and wreckage in his yard, your yard, and anybody else’s yard who wants to stir up trouble.

And if that upsets your precious little plans, well I really can not be bothered to care, I’m sorry. Oooh, but if we retaliate then he might get more power and influence and-…

…Well, the Khanid cannot attack the Republic without repercussions, and if those repercussions result in promotions and escalations that’s just too bad. Especially for the Amarr who he considers his rivals, whom I honestly would not shed any tears for.

As for us? Hell it seems we’l get attacked regardless of how well he is doing in the games so we’l just have to bite back harder.

Please bear in mind, you are dealing with someone who is a-ok with the idea of all out war, so be aware that any whimpering of “you are just making things wooooooooorse (for me and my political plans)” are going to fall on deaf ears.


There are a few flaws with your attempt to offer what I can only presume is supposed to be some kind of intimidating, dire threat to convince us that we dare not be the monsters we have spent years learning to be.

First, any reprisal against slave populations in the Kingdom weakens the Kingdom. More, it directly hurts King Khanid’s wallet. After all, he’s the King.

Second, any reprisal against slave populations reduces what little leverage the Kingdom might have. They can’t actually carry out those reprisals without meaning there’s less to stay our hand and keep us from getting… creative.

Third, I don’t know if you’ve done your research, but there’s a fair amount of ‘better to die on our feet than live on our knees’ sentiment out there. While a number of us have been willing to try to work toward peace while preparing for an unending sea of bloodshed… others have been openly advocating for that bloodshed to start ASAP. And even the ones arguing patience and preparedness have emphasised that it will come, and when it does, it will not end.

Fourth, we have the luxury of being officially and legally separate from any actual authority in the Republic. We are non-state actors. We’re criminals, and terrorists. And we’ve always known we’re disposable. So in the long run, we’ve already resigned ourselves to everything we want, everything we ever work for, disintegrating before our eyes. The Kingdom has hopes, dreams, ambitions and aspirations. There is no action I can take against anyone in the Kingdom that will bring legal consequences upon those remaining in the Republic. And there is no reprisal the Kingdom can take against those I care about that will not draw them more directly into a position of having to face legal action in the international sphere.

The only exposure at risk… is theirs.


I’m laughing at you, my dear.

I chided the sa-Baron in another thread because his “plan” was about as obvious as someone using a cardboard box propped up with a stick and string. Yet, as obvious as it was, the bait was still taken.


Oh yeah, because clearly the mature response would be to do absolutely nothing at all and forget about the whole thing.

Someday I’l have to see where your estate is just to see if you will be any more restrained in a similar situation.

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The mature response to me would have been to stop being outraged for a few minutes so you can see the pretty obvious pit you are walking into and which your enemy has dug just for you.


Outrage would come with more insults. That was mockery, an attitude you have richly earned.

You don’t honestly get it?

Humor me, if only so that I can be sure I am giving the right explanation. What pit would that be, exactly?

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Hardly, I am offering my disappointment at the sheer lack of nous shown by the Minmatar in taking such obvious bait given by sa-Baron Chakaid.

Because it galls me that his plan was successful even when it might as well have had big neon signs with “It’s a trap” flashing around it.

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The problem with setting such a trap is that you have to know how much of a response you’ll get. I don’t think he does. And I don’t think this is over.

Though, fair’s fair, full credit for ‘nous’. That’s a good word, and not one most people would think to use.


It would be far more foolhardy to go along with inane Amarr politics. Because your people don’t posses nearly as much “nous” as they think they do, in my opinion.

As has been stated many times before, I don’t believe the Amarr will ever get anything done within their own power structure and we sure as hell can’t expect them to give a single toss about the plight of the Republic and it’s people, because the Amarr are by definition heartless to the plight of Minmatar.

Which brings me to my second point. You seem to be under the impression we are somehow unaware that Chakaid is playing some sort of game in order to enhance himself in the Empire. I assure you, we know.

We just don’t care.

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I’d say the man got exactly the response he wanted.

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I’d be very surprised if he’s gotten even a tithe of the final response to his first act.


Then for a supposedly free people you still show your remarkable ability to still be led by the nose.


I suspect neither he nor you truly understands what they are dealing with here. If he wants a fight, oh yes, that is very easy to get.

And you are a fool to expect anyone to simply stand down in the face of an attack that leaves scores dead, are you serious? Not every Empire is as heartless as yours, lives actually matter in some parts of the galaxy.

So naturally, provoking a fight is the easiest thing that could possibly be done. And then he and the things he loves are going to burn. Kernher might be in it for politics and happy to settle for a “message”, but he didn’t strike at Kerhnher alone.

You can lead us, and find a blade in your back, because there is no reason whatsoever to bother with your inane politics. You’ve elevated inaction to a national sport and yet you have deluded yourself into thinking playing by your rules will actually get anything done.

And yet we are the ones who lack “nous”. what a joke.


Are you now her keeper? Do you decide who gets to speak on her behalf? Do you now get to judge the conviction of her faith?

Samira, how far you’ve fallen. You have let your emotions pull you into the embrace of the terrorist’s hatred. Blood boiling and vengeance fuelled, you are fallen from the light into despair.