Returning 2003 player. A bit lost!

Rookie help is one of the most helpful places in the game. Scams aren’t allowed there, I see moderation frequently and usually a lot of people (in addition to myself) are helping newbies by answering questions.

When I first joined the game rookie help also helped me get a lot of first questions answered.

Sure, I have had occasions where someone was trolling rookie chat, but those moments are rare. And rather easily solved, by not giving them any responses and just answering newbie questions instead.

Oh yes, actually about that if you or another player could refresh my memory, it would be absolutely great!
Some aspects of the game are actually coming back to me while I go through missions and 1 important aspect is navigation.
I remember why now autopilot is actually a very bad idea and that it is much better to navigate “manually” and last night I sifted through the numerous bookmarks I had set up.
It turns out I have dozens that I labelled “Instadock (system-station name)” for what I guess was docking as fast as possible to stations, and I have as many called “Out (system-gate)” for what I believe was getting safely out after jumping through before resuming navigation.
The problem is that I forgot why exactly I had set up these BM and the rationale behind it.
I mean I do remember this had to do with alignment and warping to 0 while also stopping first at a certain distance of gates in order to scan them before getting there but I’d like to be reminded of the details for all this…
I think I was able to bring a lowly Wreathe pretty much anywhere that way and it is actually a very important part of the game.
I would be really glad if someone with a similar system could remind me these mechanics!

your outs were most likely insta undocks, especially if you set them up around Jita.

If nothing is around where you had the BM’s set up, most likely a structure used to be there nearby. CCP introduced abandoned mode on upwells to allow them to be wrecked and lose asset safety if they ran out of fuel… a lot of structures became loot piñata’s.

Yup, that was something like that!
Actually I have more or less “re-figured” the tactics out. I did have exit points aligned to stations as well as safe points I would warp to when exiting a gate I believe.
Actually it’s funny how asking questions here and typing them helps the memories to come back hehe!
Now indeed I gonna have to check these bookmarks out to see if they’re still correct but I have hundreds of them so this is not a small job!
I am actually amazed that they’re still there after all this time. Notes have disappeared though but at least I still have the BMs and the old emails! It’s quite weird to read those!

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