Returning Player 116mil SP

Hey, welcome back! I did the same thing, returning after a long hiatus and then feeling like a born-again newbie. Trust me, the rust falls off quick.

If you’re interested in the null sec life, but want a mature and understanding group of players, rather than youngsters who can play 24-7 because they have no jobs and spend their days raging at everyone to make every fleet… we might be able to help.

We’re a small, close-knit group of older players - I think every one of us has kids - but we’re part of a huge null sec coalition. The kicker is that our alliance measures things like fleet participation on a per-corp basis, not a per-member basis, and our corp generally finishes each month with ten times as many mandatory fleets as we need. So there’s no problem and no pressure to constantly participate. You do it on your own schedule, just like the rest of us.

And man can we provide a lot of content.

Come chat with us on Discord, see if we’re a fit!