Got the urge to start playing again after a 6+month brake. I returned about a month ago but have barely logged on since my old corp and alliance have disbanded and most of the people i flew with have won eve.
Bit about me, Iv been playing almost 5 years, im a uk player. I have pretty much flow with the same group of people for that time, where i was a director/recruiter/diplo etc, with RL commitment i just looking to be a another member and nothing more, i can play most evening for a few hr and meybe more on the weekends. I have pretty much done it all, hi-ls-sov-npc ns but iv spent most of my time living in wh space. Im pretty self selfefficent i can do most thing. I’m pretty easy going, i just go with the flow. My 2 pet hates are drama and carebears, if you have people in comms throwing a tantrum or they are going on about how to max there mining yield or the best way to increase their ticks, i will probably not fit in. i like PVP especially small gang, fighting out numbers and being the underdog.
I’m looking for a LS or NPC NS group to fly with i don’t have the RL time to give to WH space and the blue donuts out the question.
I have 3 main chars
— 92mil sp Sub Cap/links PVP pilot, all Cruiser 5, maxed Loki/Tengu, Command Ship 5, Hac5, Dic5, Tac Destroyer 5, Gel/Min BS 5, T2 links, almost all T2 Weapons etc
— 90mil sp Sub Cap/Dread pilot all t2 Weapons, t2 Siege, JDC5 etc Phoenix pilot with t2 Weapons (Best Dread ) can get into any other Dread with guns in less than 3hr
— 84mil sp Carrier/Super/maxed Fax pilot, can use 3 out of the 4 Supers, t2 Fighter/Bombers, t2 Triage, maxed Capital Armour/Shield, JDC5 etc, Blops, Proteus, Logi and Hecate pilot
I have a few other -20mil toon that can do jf, covert cyno, trader, hauler etc
If anybody think im a good fit for their group leave me a message on here or send this alt a in game mail, you never know i might be in touch