Parroto Social Club is an independent, null-sec PvP Corporation. We specialise in small and medium-gang style play but have a lot of people who are active solo pvp’ers. We expect our members to get out there and blow up some ships (preferably someone else’s).
PSC is active across all timezones. When we’re not memeing on comms our focus is trying to improve at PvP and have fun. We’re not the greatest players in the game or 1337, but we aim to learn from our mistakes and be better.
Here’s a clip from one of our roams and is the type of thing you can expect:
What you can expect from us:
Group of friends who really enjoy flying together. We use Discord for out of game memes as well as for playing other games together too.
Advice/Help. If you’re always dying first on roams, don’t know what you’re doing wrong or going full potato etc. we have some people who’d only be too happy to help.
Content. Wherever it is, we’ll find it. We are lucky enough to have great content on our doorstep and have no blue donuts to worry about. But we’re always on the lookout for opportunities to find bigger fights, or to try something different.
What we are looking for:
Players willing to take responsibility and to look for content for yourself/corp mates.
Omega mains only, no alphas or alts.
Most of all, we’re looking for a desire to get better at PvP.
If you want to know more check out our website or ask on our forums at:
Or you can talk to “Sarial Walsh” during USTZ or “Trouble Gum” for EUTZ or any other TZ you need in game or go to our public channel Parroto Social Club -- Public