Returning Player Looking For Noob Friendly Corp

Title says it all. old veteran coming back on a new account.

Not sure what I’m going to do at this time but I’ve always lived in NS or in WH space - looking for a highly social Corporation with good opportunities to learn the new aspects of the game and make isk.

I’ll also be sinking plex into the account to gain SP faster, I just need to see what ship types/direction I’ll be going in before I do so.

Discord is Ergoproxy6289

Hey, maybe you are interested: GDawn

Consider our post, we live in Providence Soverign nullsec: Rookies and Kings | Honour, Excellence, Camraderie | Nullsec PvP

We might be a good fit!

Eclipse Strike Unit

Looking for a PvP wormhole group with the best of both worlds, Eclipse is looking for PvP pilots to join our new Corp that will provide NS & Wormhole Action, form a C2 C5/NS hole.

We are looking to grow and become a competing corp within wormhole space, We are casual eve players where RL comes first.

Talk to any of our Recruitment team.

Join in-game channel Eclipse Recruits

what we Provide :

**PvP **
**Experienced Fcing **
Black Ops
PvE Make Isk

what we want :
EU/US Pilots
**A willingness to learn **
provide knowledge and be keen to fly as a group
Discord coms with a working mic
**min omega Account **

Join Discord: Eclipse Strike Unit !!!


Welcome back, I am a member of a null sec corp in NC called Heavy Caliber, and we are actively seeking new members to join us! We are happy to provide support to help you get started.

We offer small to large gang PvP activities such as bombing, blops, industry, and crabbing. We are a group of British players with a few others from around the world! We use Discord and TeamSpeak for communication and enjoy bantering with each other. Most of us have been playing for many years!

We have a great deal of freedom to pursue our own interests, as long as it doesn’t negatively impact others.

If you have any questions, feel free to message me personally on .viryn (you’ll need to add me as a friend first) or you can join our corp Discord Heavy Caliber. .

Fly safe! O/

Good on you for looking for the dangerous spots!

hey man. im the CEO of Legion Ascending. We are a null sec corp that is a part of the Gentlemen’s Club alliance and we are looking for long term buddies to join us and enjoy the game. We do it all from pvp to indy to pve. Our corp is based on the members, meaning all members have a say in the future of the corp. no one enjoys being a number, so we dont have numbers. everyone is a part of the whole. Come have a chat with us in discord and see what you think.