Returning Player Suprise

Probably whatever region of space that fits their playstyle? :thinking:

I wouldn’t assume it is a homogeneous group thus some would dwell in WHs, some in null, a few in lowsec and probably some in hisec as well as well as some in the new regions such as pochven and that pirate thing.

Pay for an Omega. Thats still considered old school.

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They are currently being held inside the dungeon of Princess Aiko,S pleasure Palace

A place that had once kicked Frosty out because he enjoyed the torture.


If you could ask that space hag to invite frosty back he said that he will be good and gank miners.

He only requires a strict respect for horses and dolphins.

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1 bil ISK :smiling_imp:


Who do we send to?

/the 1b isk is so canon


An expression that refers to something that is accepted rule as a standard.

The op @Pink_Fluffy_One
needs to understand such !

This character. Separate from the usual monthly amount. :innocent:


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@Lara_Agnon inb4 you receive 1 unit of compressed veldspar from the Frostpacker. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

What right had you been given to allocate compressed ore that doesn’t belong to you?

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It’s your non-consensual contribution to the discussion. :wink:


Frosty can’t split stack until 4 more jumps. 1 m ore on it’s way soon

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Skillpoints… meh

But CCP can be proud of themselves as they made me claim them from NES store

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This is the problem with Eve Online

So many inactive pilots hoarding, free, skill points

When there is nothing desirable left…

Well what else would they do, if they become active again and need to skill into something they can use the unallocated SP. Not like the free SP from events and whatnot can be transferred or sold anyway (at least I think they are only redeemable to their characters instead of as tradable items). :thinking:

I just realized they even are the future outside of New Eden. Gives me the creeps.

I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I have to agree.

You and me both…

We need younger leaders both inside and outside.