So, after a long time away from Eve, (nearly ten years or so) I decided to come back to the game after a friend had also announced to me that they had started playing again with a character they had set up years ago.
Imagine my surprise when I started a new character to discover that you could actually pay to have help in completing skills. Back in my day, we had to log in at a stupid time in the morning just to train a new skill.
Kids these days don’t realise how easy they have it.
For now, I’m trying to keep it old school and not pay my well earned wages to advance myself.
However, its going to be hard not to, afterall whi doesn’t want to advance quickly in this world. I want to be running level 4 missions before I really should be able to.
You may doubt all you want though the future of New Eden depends strongly on the ability to retain new pilots who have RL funds to purchase from the store.
These instant gratification kids and adults with the mindset of a kid can’t afford to nor care to pay for anything, and catering to such instant gratification crowd is most likely to fail as these people if not get their win right away will just click away seeking their dopamine rush elsewhere.
You can not base anything on such sinking sand foundation. And no amount of dumbing down the game will satisfy them. They will always want it easier and never put in the slightest of effort. And in the end they will abandon it anyway.
While people with different tastes and the old guard will also be alienated in the process.
We are going to assume that you don’t want to fork out money to catch up the lost years of skill points tha you could had reached if you had of stayed in omega clone status for EveOnline.
Right now you had decided to return, this is a great starting point.
What do you feel that would potentially keep it from leaving us for another long break?
Interesting thoughts. I cannot imagine what kind of feelings you must have coming back to a game after you’ve been gone so long.
Do you find everything alien to you now?
Do you struggle finding what you need when you knew exactly where everything was back then?
I just started this game so your point of view is intriguing to me.
Well you still have to pay the sub to access the full game. Or make enough in game to plex, like 10 yrs ago. Anything that can “advance” your character can be bought in game, unless you consider that your “hard earned wages”
This is true, its just surprising to see how much has changed, its great that you can play the game without spending any money on it, I have subscribed, but for now, thats how far I’ve gone for now.
I’m just going to aim for level 4 missions, I don’t really have the time to spend hours and hours in game, even at the weekend. Its more for an escapism when i can get online.
If you run your AIR Opportunity daily, it can be fairly quick and refresh you on a few game mechanics. Works out to roughly 375k extra SP per month for an Alpha account, 525k for Omega.
Omega account also picks up a weekly free 15k SP injector from the NES, renewing every Tuesday iirc.
You can also look at earning the ISK to buy skill injectors (something new since you left), but that can be grindy. You get more SP out of them when your SP total is lower though, so look at them sooner rather than later.
About that part… level 4 missions are now Omega restricted. So if you want to fulfill your goal, you are going to pay CCP for Omega or, well, grind ISK for plexing your account, just like in a good old days of yours. However, nowadays plexing requires more and more ISK and it’s only going to get worse me thinks.