Returning Player Suprise

Let’s not continue to fight!

Peace offering now

For Frosty to extract intelligence from you he will need to create a new pilot and this pilot can be created under your own referral code to Eve Online.

(Meaning if you decide to take one of us under your wing)

We will not hunt or attack you (Aiko) can confirm our trust level while in training.

You will not only receive rad rewards but you will gain access to our ability to support what evyour wormhole has to offer.

We are the Frostpacker and we are always learning to play Eve Online.

I don’t like kicking kittens/puppies anymore. (never did it much anyway)

You seem unwilling to learn the ways of the farce, and my tactics are now outdated.

Best of luck to you.


Darn can’t even throw gifts at you.

I shall report such to frosty.

Best of luck to you as well.

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Thank you for trying!

But the game is not about gifts. I gift new players isk because, even though most times they don’t deserve it, the few that do can say as long as you try, someone is there in some way to help you. PLus it looks good on the forums and just in some small way, promote the game.

EVE is such a F’ing hard game to learn, even to this day. (part of why I love it so much)

If I had put as much effort into a rl biz as I did in this game, I as well as many others, would be rich in rl by this point. I just settled for being rich in game.


Yes it is :grinning:

then a real-life ganker of the business world would show up and take it all. :thinking:



His wife?


That’s also an option. :thinking:



Well you know what they say.

My girlfriends money is her money.

But ~My~ money is ~Our~ money :moneybag:

As a wise woman called Zaera once said to a Frostpacker

What is mine is mine, what is your’s is also mine

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It’s beautiful because it’s true!

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…and what he mines is also yours. :wink:



Zaera likes that:

What is mine is mine, what you mine is mine


Not if I staffed it with the likes of my old corp! :rofl:

How did Zaera know you were in the Mafia?

By the way , tell the godfather, he owes Zaera some ISK. Payup orelse!

I would post the pic of my father and his brothers when they were young but that pic scares even me.

I am half pure Italian and half 95% Acadian French - Wikipedia/ pea-souper - Wiktionary, the free dictionary/“(slang, derogatory) French person”).

That makes me prick on both sides as well as giving me an advantage in the game.

Simply put and now I have to ask, who really has an advantage? Not me by a long shot because of my heritage, but simply I play the game hard. If new players tried as hard as I had to when I 1st started, maybe they would get the same amount of satisfaction as I did?

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New players have no patience, they want everything now with no effort.

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