Returning Player, What Do?

In case you give hi-sec a try…

You can hunt people who have killrights on their heads:

Not sure if you count as a pirate or an enforcer if you do that though. :wink: :smirk:

You can also suspect bait people for example miners, mission runners, explorers and whatever else by stealing their loot and/or popping their MTUs.

Speaking of MTUs if you are not bored of that minigame you can scan down abandoned ones and blow them up to keep the space lanes clear of navigational hazards, some might have juicy loot in them if you’re lucky.

You can also steal loot from gankers in Jita and elsewhere.

Someone already mentioned ganking itself as an option too. Of which you might try targeting abyss runners who often have blinged fits. Though this probably requires multiboxing or mates to fleet with.

You can also try mining if you really want to. :stuck_out_tongue: :sweat_smile: :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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