Returning UK player looking for friends 30m SP

Hey Leroy,

I’d love to have you in corp. We are short bus ballaz living up here in Deklein. We are avid PVPers and small gang is a large part of who we are. (check out killboard below)

Zkillboard for SBBAL

We also are in the SLYCE alliance so your indy/PVE toons have plenty of room to expand your wallet. Whether mining, importing to stock markets, or even PI. We can offer it all.

As a small corp too we are down to earth with around 25 pilots. Cap capable if that’s one of your goals. We chill and play other games sometimes to in order to relax because IRL can be stressful sometimes and that’s what we’re all about. Helping you chill and kill :wink:

Below is some of the general information that our forum post has and the replies I make to it most of the time are zkill links to previous battle reports.

Here is our discord if you’d like to chat just @ me or one of the online members.

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