Thta is not going to change anything about the people who will always demand more, just like you did with this thread. You’re in a long list of people who want stuff. A long, long list. You’re not the first, you’re not the last. Someone else will come.
It’s like children, really. They cry for something and when they get it, they’ve learned that crying for something will get them what their lower instincts demand. You should NEVER give a child what it wants when it cries, because that creates a shitty adult! Exactly the adults this game is literally suffering from right now.
Look at all those people who don’t need free ■■■■. Look at those. Concentrate on those. Why don’t they want that? Why don’t they need that? Is it because they’re dumb, or is it because they’re not manchilds?
You’re looking at this from the completely wrong perspective. Change your perspective. The problem isn’t a lack of free stuff, the problem is those who want it and a shitty parent (CCP) who always gives in to their demands.
You can’t just take WarFrame and compare it with EVE. The only two things they have in common is that they’re both video games and they’re both infested with people who require to be baited to stay around. Get rid of those who appreciate the rewards more than the game and there will be no need to bait people into being happy and sticking around.
Yes. All free stuff is literally bait to make you happy, so you stick around. That includes this “5 year gift”, as you yourself say in the initial post. You just call it “a sign of appreciation from CCP”, but in the end it’s bait to keep people happy!
When you need to keep people happy with goodies,
then they’re not happy in the first place.
If you want people to stick around because of rewards,
instead of because it’s a good game, then you are a part of the problem!
No one looks at the root of the problem, which is these people. There are too many people who behave as if these people were perfectly normal, reasonable adults, but they’re not. They’re here, because they’re easy money. I guess that’s another thing EVE has in common with WarFrame:
People who can be baited and made happy like this are easy money. That’s the world you’re living in. A world where there are manchilds who spend money as long as a marketing team can come up with good enough ideas to keep the children happy and around.
That’s the world you want to live in?
That’s the game you want to play?
CCP should literally STOP giving out anything for free at all, to weed out those who only stick around because they get free ■■■■, and to keep around those who hate being surrounded by manchilds. The additional benefit would be that the amount of people, who hate being around manchilds, would increase!
Less dependent customers! They might not be as easy money as the manchilds, but at least they value the product and don’t run off as soon as there’s someone else with better bait.