Right, so CCP, about those gunnery skills

So you want an edge, to justify not having pilot skills?
Thats basically what you are saying here.
“Give me more skills so i can PWN even more, without actually learning better ways of flying or fitting the ships”

After getting level V skills, its all about pilot skills. Thats why you dont get more skills, just get better at flying your crap.

I have every skill in the game but one and lined up almost 2 years of skills for production and refining which are nothing but lvl 5s

Buff controlled bursts so hybrids and lasers get less cap use. Passive missile/projectile platforms already have no drawbacks like hybrids and lasers have with cap management.

There needs to be more drawbacks for each style. Projectiles and missiles currently have no downsides.

Have you used projectiles? they are rubbish

What do you mean more skills?

Without skill injectors a new player would almost undoubtedly NEVER be able to train all skills before CCP shuts eve online down, let that sink in for a minute.

It’s already known as spreadsheet online, and you want to make it MORE complex?

It’s not just about you, there is a player base that CCP needs to try and keep alive.

Space nerds man, space nerds.

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