Risk / Reward in Suicide Ganking out of Order?

I call BS on that.
Source? You have none! You just throw statements to benefit your point.

BS. And you know it.

Keep fishing, you’ll eventually pull out an old shoe.

Truest thing you ever posted.


Hahaha!! Do you even play EVE?

BS. And you know it.

Yaddy-yadda… Don’t you guys ever get tired of writing the same old sh- ?

Fallacy. Most gankers don’t lose their ship. You’re talking about suicide ganking. Not all ganking is suicidal.

How about folding it in your pocket? Any stupid argument to defend gankers, right?

Look who’s talking.

Yes, let’s not change the one thing that new players quit over then waste a whole thread writing about Player Retention :roll_eyes:

You don’t count in this discussion, you’re merely and Alt for that extortionist Aiko.

And then now try to be genuine about Player Retention.

The only Myths in this forum are your opinions.

Because you’re a spy for them, DUH

Yes, blame the victim, that ought to work well for Player Retention.

They don’t care about profits, they care about their score on zKillboard.

Source please, source. You have none! You’re just throwing statements to benefit your worthless argument.

But it’s a Sandbox game, right? Where someone is forced to play as YOU want them to. :roll_eyes:

Biggest BS in this whole thread.

Right, one says

And you say:

And another clown says

You clowns ought to at least get your BS straight before denying the OP the least deference.

Truest statement in this thread. He made the mistake of downloading EVE in the first place. A game that pretends to be Sandbox but forces players to play as others want them to.

But to force players to play ONE way isn’t self-centered. Ooooki

They’re not arguing the point, they’re arguing against OP with every BS statement under the sun because ganking is what keeps EVE alive.

BS and you know it.


Now let’s see all of you spew BS in a thread about Player Retention. That oughtta be hilarious.