Spend a few million on 500MN YT-8 Compacts and the ridiculously cheap plasmids for that class of MWD, get a X-Type equivalent with better fitting and cap use for a song. What’s not to like?
The RNG power creep they bring. The way it introduces theme park MMO loot mechanics to EVE where you have to grind 50 copies of an item to get the one you want. The way it artificially inflates the barrier to solo and small gang PvP because you have to cope with people who have done the above and now have a ship that feels more OP than T3cs in their worst most OP era?
Yeah, there are plenty of good reasons to dislike them. And the reasons to like them are personal “I get more power” arguments not about the overall health of the game.
You are exactly right. I dont disagree in the slightest. And I still want them.
I think you should try something more like “I got called out for being selfish and have no coneback”.
I mean Nicolai is a broken clock, but he’s still right in this case. You are just being selfish here and asking for things that will harm the game.
Harm how you and your friends play the game, but help me. Why would I apologize for that?
I have no idea what you just tried to say. Could you take a second attempt because that’s come out as a word salad worthy of Google translate.
You said ship mutaplasmids would harm the game. I helped clarify for you that ship mutaplasmids would harm how YOU play the game but help how I play the game. I’m still surprised that people dont get that about eve.
If you have a problem with the impact of mutas on power creep and raising the barrier to entry for activities like solo pvp, just mine veldspar until you’re not poor.
Same argument applies to garden-variety (LOL) X-Type deadspace gear. If you want it, you grind the RNG in 0.0 space looking for the right NPC to drop the BPC. In the case of 500MN MWD, the plasmids are so cheap to make it worthwhile, so why hasn’t that dropped the price of X-Types?
I’m not even sure what you’re talking about “theme park MMO loot mechanics.” In lots of MMO, if you want a special item you complete a quest or series of quests to get it. There’s no RNG. Do the quest, get the reward. EVE is almost exclusively RNG loot/reward mechanics.
There is such a thing as the overall health of the game. Just because you benefit short term does not make it good.
■■■■ off out into the abyss. It’s not just harming a small group of people, it can do a lot of harm to the whole of EVE. ■■■■ sandwich of an idea.
What a nuanced, well thought-out argument. Let me take some time so I’m sure I grasp all its intricacies before responding.
Let’s make abyssal modified ships self-destruct in 15 minutes.
No thanks. I don’t think existing abyssal mods should exist, much less be expanded to include further game-imbalancing stuff.
If you turned ship-mutaplasmids, or a similar in function system, into an isk-sink, I would say yes. What could it possibly hurt? We already have hyper-gambling and thousands of afk botters.
Eve is at peace anyway. It doesn’t need to be balanced for the sake of people who aren’t even fighting.
Ouch. Sadly, you may have points, Boings…crap…
Bite your tongue. I still have the D20 I got with my D&D Basic box set in 1981.
is the 1980’s hipsters though??
She’s not wrong
Out of curiosity, why do you hate the abyss so much?