Rookie in Corp Marking Everyone as "RED"?

Wait till he moves all the corp assets to his personal hangar and writes a nice goodbye corp mail.


When are you going to step up from being a rookie. Ganking indys is rookie behavior.

Become more. Become an amateur who picks on people who can shoot back.

Are you terrified?

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This ship can shoot back so what is your point?

You keep spouting this nonsense when our killboards are full of combat ships.

In fact, Aiko is respectable for ganking miners because after the buffs to their EHP and plenty of ganking nerfs like docking and tether, only the most hardcore gankers still ganks miners as it requires way too many pilots to kill them nowadays and it is not profitable. Not even when they drop faction mining modules because since only very few gankers are still ganking miners the offer surpasses the demand and therefore these modules are now quite cheap. If they drop in first placeā€¦

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Oh Iā€™m just a casual AFK ganker, I like to shoot easy targets that canā€™t shoot back.

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What assets? You must have missed the part above about the corp being empty. In fact, he has been storing ISK in one of the wallet divisions. I paid 1 million ISK to open corp hangars. I am just using our time together to learn about corporate mechanics and he is learning about the various facets of this game. He is 45 days in and went omega. Found a ship blueprint in one of the abyssal runs and now wants to manufacture it. Looks like more runs are in my future with him.

I donā€™t think I will have any desire to operate a fully staffed corp. It would consume too much of my time and there would be drama, spies, etc. to deal with.

Fly safe o7

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Ask him if he wants to hire a spymaster.

If so, I will have an alt apply to join him.

Aiko alts enjoy +3 to charisma.


I have a +5 war hammer versus trolls.

+Charisma is the right way to fly ā€¦

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Canā€™t get ganked if you befriend the gankers :exploding_head: :100: :100:

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Shakes head in disbelief at the number of safety agents who evemail Frostpacker asking for advice or a shoulder to cry on.

Sadly weā€™re colder than the Princess herself!


Just goes to show you how much nicer you guys are than the rest of people in New Eden :wink:

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