Eveboard pass is rorqual
http://eveboard.com/pilot/Cody_Onesk - Rorq, JF, Carrier, T2 Triage, JDC V
56m SP
Cap Industrial Ships IV
Indy Reconfig V
Mining Drone Spec IV
Eveboard pass is rorqual
http://eveboard.com/pilot/Cody_Onesk - Rorq, JF, Carrier, T2 Triage, JDC V
56m SP
Cap Industrial Ships IV
Indy Reconfig V
Mining Drone Spec IV
Confirming I am available for sale. Direct in game inquiries to KC Kamikaze.
If you choose the buyout of 49b go ahead and send the isk and account details and post it here. I will start the transfer as soon as I get notification.
He has a base market value of 102 skill injectors.
102 skill extractors @ jita sell: 39b
102 large skill injectors @ jita buy: 81.4b
injector profit: 42.4b if i wanted to be as lazy as possible buying extractors off sell orders and selling injectors on buy orders so I won’t be considering offers under 43b.
44 bil
44bil current highest bid. Anyone else? Planning to sell within the next 24 hours.
In game offer accepted. Character no longer for sale.
Isk sent awaiting transfer notification
Transfer started. Enjoy o7
Transfer email received from
thanks o7
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