I am for sale. See where bidding takes us. PW 123
She’s got 2 bonus remaps. No Kill Rights. 180 isk in her pocket. Located in Jita. No jump clones. She was in NPC corp before this post was made - eve skillboard just takes too long to update apparently.
Apologies. Forgot there was a pw
Still for sale. Thanks for starting the bids off.
Highest bid so far Temp Kash with 23bil
Highest bid Sheepadeep 24b. Will give it a few more hours for offers to come in.
Still for sale. Highest bid is 24b currently.
(Phoenix CDD)
November 11, 2018, 11:28pm
Withdrawn i have to get up for work shortly and i dont want to be up all night bidding in 500mil increments
25bil offer accepted. Please send isk and account to send to.
November 12, 2018, 12:49am
Information and money sent
ISK received and character transfer underway