[ROUND] Call to Action on the Conservation of Skarkon II

It’s “Lord-Consort Newelle”. He’s not the one who holds the title.

I like the idea of freighters full of whales so much, I looked up the cost of a Providence… and decided against it.

I confess I’m not quite sure what Dr. Valate is suggesting. I had been thinking the situation was one of terrestrial and/or oceanic planets becoming ice worlds, barren rocks, or possibly storm planets. We have command centers for those things and so it is reasonable that persons of your determination could solve the problem.

As I think back to the beginning of the most recent ongoing ancient threat, however, I do remember loading Mallers up with plates, dropping down lines into Abyssal Space, and hurling myself intentionally into the Danger Zone (could I have a sick synth bass beat, sweetie? thank you) to see how long it took to disintegrate. If instead of the chemistry of a planetary environment changing composition and/or state, the underlying constants of Physics and Chemistry Themselves are changing, frankly the only practical solution is evacuation.

If I wasn’t already convinced the results would be completely inconclusive within any acceptable time frame, I would jump into a zippy interceptor, pop into some forsaken system, warp to the last planet, point away from the purple star, light up the microwarp drive, and see if there is a Danger Zone somewhere beyond.

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Oh, look at all the friendly people now, wanting to conserve the planet they have spent a year and over helping Svarog to screw over.

Kind of late to the party, aren’t you?

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Its almost like the people, generally, coming out in support right now, few as they are, are ones that did try to preserve life where able. Mr. Eskola-Fae notwithstanding.

That’s pretty rich coming from you. You’re not even at the party.

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Cannot see many people coming out, but that’s to be expected. Not much left in Skarkon, Efrits or no.

No offense to yourself intended, however, if that’s a consolation.

If that’s really how you feel about it then be content to leave us to attempt to remedy the situation, we’ll be happy to keep it then if you really don’t want it even if it’s covered in Kril-stains.

Do you have anything more to add to help, or just here to smuggly proclaim moral superiority while we find a solution to care for the planet you left behind here? Or do you suddenly not care about them enough to help anymore because we aren’t being nice to you and you don’t want to give us the satisfaction of being the ones leading an effort to help it?

Damnit Galm, do you have to be intentionally abrasive? There’s a saying about honey and vinegar.

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“Left behind”, did I?

Why exactly, Eskola-Fae, is my evacuation station still not in system? Because I chose to pack it up and just ■■■■ off? You know better than that, so don’t start ■■■■.

Not that it has stopped us entering the system, to try (in vain, I admit) to stop Svarog’s using our system as raw materials for a shipyard, to try and locate what still is there, to kill the occasional world ark, to use contacts left to do what we can. But it surely did cause a drop in our effectiveness, and I am not ashamed to confess that.

Nor am I to blame for it.

Note that I did not say you should not do whatever you can to preserve what is still there. I merely said it is quite the turn of heart after all the time you’ve spent helping Svarog to take over and massacre the place.


Who had their money on “anything more to add to help” instead of “smugly proclaim moral superiority”? you owe me 20 isk. :slight_smile:


As I recall Electus Matari still have access to the orbital station to access the humanitarian corridor. That’s not a gotcha, that’s me merely informing you that the access was never revoked in accordance with the original agreement to coordinate evacuation traffic and airspace. I suggest you coordinate with our Warden if you would like to discuss the matter further, I’m sure our station can provide assistance in further humanitarian projects if the loss of the EM facility has been a limiting factor.

If the problem is a matter of needing a better space to shoot Trigs I can’t help you, but we can at least aim to reach a treaty to limit the wars impact as I have said repeatedly.

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. . . you do know that’s not the case, don’t you? It’s not a lack of facilities that holds them back. It’s a lack of desire.

Terrorist organizations like EM don’t give a ■■■■ about the narodnya in Pochven. You can tell that they don’t, because on the rare occasion that they can be bothered to leave the snuggly security of Minmatar space, they trumpet the news as much as possible.

Meanwhile, for organizations like yours and mine, we just keep on supporting the economic and humanitarian needs of Pochven civilians the same as every single other day since the stars went liminal. We don’t say anything about it because it’s nothing special. For EM, it’s a noteworthy departure from normal activity. For your warclones and my kybernauts, it’s just another ordinary day.


I am, actually, for some reason, quite aware of what we have a docking access to in Skarkon, and grateful for it.

Elsebeth Rhiannon
SoE Roughriders

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The above frustrations aside and to be more clear on this;

As you have stated EM/SoERR maintains a presence on the warclone orbital station and in addition to humanitarian operations, we have supplied some of the numerous planetary observations posts the good Sisters have in the system via our partners the Displaced Discoveries science team. Any data from these not directly pertaining to friendly troop movements, including the data on bioadaptations that could double as potential Vitoc cures (a controversial point), have been passed on to the Sisters of EVE, and we will continue to do so. We are open to requests of data by other parties. These operations are to continue as long as the planet is survivable, which we currently fear might not be for long.

We have no hostiles on planet other than Svarog Clade and parties directly in their support, and since the loss of our own station we do not really maintain military presence beyond the necessary heavy security of humanitarian and scientific endeavors (our agreement with the warclone community for orbital access specifies no military staging). That said, for what little we do have, should Svarog initiate a cease-fire and withdrawal of environmentally fatal operations, we are willing to respect that.

Elsebeth Rhiannon
CEO, SoE Roughriders


The agonized, drawn-out choking to death of millions upon millions of filthy Minmatar subhumans as their ecosystem collapses around them is not something to be halted. It is something to be celebrated.

Oh go and choke on one of your yaks.


I am Horus Du’Gannon.
I speak as a Kybernaut of The Convocation of Triglav outside of the struggle, I am an emanation of Krai Svarog.
Hear the word of my prayer and heed them.

I wish to engage in the widowing of the discourse in polarity to the noema of CRBN weaponry used on Skarkon II and the potential effects on the planets environment status by addressing your offer of playful communion outlined in your Glanet transmission.
To engage in this I have suggestions and comments to several of your highlighted aim of your proposal below.

1- establishment of some form of treaty to limit the usage of CRBN weapons,
2- limit conflict to a sustainable system of “burn zones”,
3- investigate the impact of bioadaption,
4- attempt to cooperate on a strategy to either halt the environmental collapse or implement a strategy to reverse terraform it to a better state.

1- An establishment of an understanding of the targets of these weapons by dialectic with The Convocation of Triglav, to see if there is any possibility of the reduction of the use of CRBN weapons via a widowing of the discourse, to moderate there application when used in cladistic proving to ease environmental impacts in the future.

2- Due to the nature of planetary guerrilla warfare, this generally limits the ability to create and consolidate demilitarized zones for prolong periods of time. This in turn would make limiting conflict to “burn zones” near impossible and i feel may encourage the conflicts to lead into more populated areas by Poshlost entities who can not be guaranteed to commit to communion with the Triglavian Collective.

3- Only if permissions are first sort from the The Convocation of Triglav for the release of related cultural semiosis data.

4- Prior to the weaving of Pochven, Skarkon II has had a history of being a poorly terraformed temperate world that barely brought it over the status of a barren planet, and as such further attempt of terraforming may not be entirely possible.
In addition, due to the nature of the weaving, the evolution of the worlds within Pochven is an inevitability. To interfere in this process may be perceived as an act of misdirecting or impeding the flow of Vyraj.

I would like to engage in the widowing of the discourse and the dialects of the concrete of this matter at some point in the near future.
Please feel free to contact me if you wish to discuss this further

I speak as a Kybernaut of The Convocation of Triglav outside of the struggle.
I am Horus Du’Gannon.

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I didn’t know Kybernauts could count to four, lovely!

It’s been a while since I’ve seen such sanctimonious nonsense.

It has been made very clear that the Triglavians and their supporters will not allow any evacuation out of Pochven. They have shown again and again that they do not care about the people or their wellbeing.


With respect, Dutch, I’d argue its all about approach, really.