You forgot “I have a passport” and “I don’t know”
You didnt ask yes or no.
You, and Brisc, asked whether I have one, to which I answered I do have one.
Ive always had one, and I renew it to always have a valid one.
I am asked do you have a passport.
I answer I have a passport.
What is this crap.
Yes or no? do you have a passport?
do you have a passport?
I have a passport.
Ive always had a passport,I asked for yes or no, please answer the question
appears that yes I did ask yes or no, This is libel
@Salvos_Rhoska what’s your opinion about players judging the people behind the screen for their body shape?
@Salvos_Rhoska please answer this crucial question
This thread is absolutely priceless
You didnt ask yes or no.
Forums say otherwise.
Yes or no? do you have a passport?
Yes or no:
Do you or do you not have a passport?
It’s simple - one word or the other. I don’t know why this is so hard.
You asked if I have a passport.
In responded I have a passport.
What is the rest of this crap?
Troll army trying to cover for you?
I don’t think I’ve ever had this much fun in a forum thread. He’s being given a dose of his own medicine and he seems genuinely confused.
What is this crap.
As a minor point of interest. Inability or unwillingness to answer yes or no questions is actually an indicator for narcissistic personality disorder according to the DSM. (And before salvos tries to accuse me of libel. This is not a diagnoses. Simply a statement of fact)
To objective readers, this is how much they fear me and us.
This is how they try to suppress CSM candidates and issues against their own interests.
This thread shows that all to be true, in spades.
aaaand, Back to the propaganda.
This thread just exposes you.
Many here have waited a long long time to bring out all the dirt and skeletons from the closet
*I’m starting to believe it’s being kept unlocked for that sole purpose too
Many here have waited a long long time to bring out all the dirt and skeletons from the closet
Go ahead.
I am not afraid.
I am so tempted to respond with Monty Python.
Some dark dirt doesn’t have its place here
Nice try
@Salvos_Rhoska what’s your opinion about players judging the people behind* the screen for their body shape?
There literally hasn’t been a single post in this entire thread about any game issues whatsoever. Not by you, not in your OP, nowhere. The entire thread has been about character issues because, well, years of you posting has made it clear that character issues really disqualify you regardless of your stances on anything else.
Some dark dirt doesn’t have its place here
I have nothing to lose.
Go ahead.
See if anyone cares.
You should, Monty Python has a sketch for almost every situation, for everything else there is Blackadder and The New Statesman.
Yeah nah
I don’t post stuff that’s too vulgar on here.
Anyone interested can mail me ingame to get some nice sexist dirt
You know, I seem to recall a Salvos post somewhere in the distant past where he said something like “I can be as much an asshole as I want on the forums, after all, I’m never going to run for CSM.”