What is the CSM

It is election time, again.



A clear explanation from one of my favorite CSMs. As usual, you will have my vote whenever you run, Mike. #AzariahForEmperor

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Good day, Mike :blush:

So far Iā€™ve only seen one member of the CSM interacting with players on this official forum and that, going back a few years, so guess who Iā€™m voting for.


Brisc was very vocal on the forums as well

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He was an argumentative twonk who could never admit to being wrong and Iā€™m glad to see the back of him personally.

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Thatā€™s just an illusion, even the devs are more active on r/Eve.

:wink: :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :psyccp:

Youā€™re replying to @Geo_Eclipse_Oksaras thus talking about @Brisc_Rubal right? Just to avoid any confusion as if you were talking about Mike.


Yes mate, no issues ever with Mike.

Plus I donate to the bus, and yourself when you did the giveaways.



Even though I disagreed with him on 50% of topics, I still voted for him due to him checking the forums every hour on the hour for 14 hours a day.

And while prideful, he did provide a few ā€œI see what you meanā€ moments. Though 90% of stuff he was pinged with was vitriol so it should be expected that his initial thoughts would be dismissive unless you bring some reasoning.

Though I do wish more CSM would use the forums more regularly, same with CCP. They post more stuff on Discord, from when they start their live2feed streams, to the art contests, than they do on their own official publication system (forums). Which is a shame.


I would dearly love to have some insight from whomever might have CCPā€™s ear as to why they ignore their own official forums religiously. I refuse to join X or Reddit (those are cesspools of trolls and bad faith actors) or join yet another Discord channel.

Possibly our favorite CSM member @Mike_Azariah would have some input or insight he can share on this issue?


Iā€™m the same as you, I use these forums.

I do have Discord but rarely use it and the only time I touch Reddit is when it pops up in a search in Google etc.

But this has been an issue for years and I have no idea why CCP of all people ignore these forums despite it being brought up time and time again.

As for the CSM members they tend to disappear as soon as they get on and are only looking forward to the free holidays they get courtesy of CCP in Iceland.

There are members like Mike who do use these and try to keep us up to date, but the others are mostly a waste of time.


To be fair, when I put a vid update out I hit all the ways I can to get the message out there so you can find a reddit thread, a twitter announcement, graffiti on the subway walls etc. But I agree, this is the ā€˜offical forumsā€™ and should be the first point of contact, along with their youtube channel for things like the trailers and news vids.



Yes, yes, I forgot the part about being elected to the CSM where you arenā€™t allowed to have opinions. Guys like you are why the job sucks ass.


So youre running again :thinking::grin::sweat_smile:

@Spacetramp_Drago vs @Brisc_Rubal pillow fight


:popcorn: :smirk: :popcorn:


Question for Mike Azariah:

How much emphasis is there among the CSM with regard to the forum? Do you get the impression CCP and/or the CSM sees it as a place they should prioritize for getting the pulse of the players, or are they more dismissive of it?

I do think CCP and the CSM should look to the forums, but I could also understand if they donā€™t take the forums seriously because of certain trends Iā€™ve seen from players on the forums. Overall I think thereā€™s room for improvement, and while it certainly shouldnā€™t be priority number one for the CSM, it would be nice to see a trend of improvement on that front.


So what youā€™re saying is that you donā€™t have the temperament and patience for the job.
I donā€™t see Mike complaining about it sucking because a forum member has an opinion.


Have you no clue about the history of brisc as a csm member?

Yes, yes I donā€™t have the temperament to do a job I did for four years.

It doesnā€™t suck because a forum member has an opinion. It sucks because you have folks taking shots at you constantly, and it increases exponentially if you actually engage. Thatā€™s the reason why most CSM members donā€™t waste their time here - they donā€™t feel like dealing with the nonsense, so they donā€™t.

Even Mike finds this crap tiresome.

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id like to see all the ones who constantly take pot shots at yall, just for a month, be csm on the forums, and see who could handle all the stress that you guys and gals deal/t with.

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