Running for CSM next year:

I have a passport.

Invalid format.

The designated format is as follows.

  • YES
  • NO

This is a factually verifiable statement



He asked whether I do, or do not, have a passport.

I replied I do have a passport.

This is correct syntax in response to the query.

“Do have” is an affirmative response.
“Do not have” would be its opposite.

I asked for a yes or no response.

You have failed to provide a yes or no response. Again.

ohmygawd. You can’t look at what you’re doing now and not wonder why more than 400 of the posts in this thread are about your mental health?

He specified an acceptable answer format, you have failed to adhere to it.

Your reply is thus in an invalid format.

Syntax is the rules of how a language is structured, not how you reply to a very specific question with a very specific acceptable answer format.

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At this point, I’m questioning my own mental health. I have never seen someone absolutely refuse to answer a simple question like this in my life.

It’s like asking my kid “yes or no, do you want to go to the park” and he responds with “42.”

Not only that, he claims he’s “always” had a passport, and we know this is a lie.


You did not.

You specifically asked do I have a passport.
I responded, correctly to the query, that I do have a passport.

Q: Do you have a passport?
A: I have a passport.

But that’s the ultimate answer >:(

I never asked you “Do you have a passport.”

I asked you to answer, yes or no, “do you or do you not have a passport.”

There are two possible answers to this question. Yes is one. The other is no.

That’s it. Anything else is unresponsive to the question.

Your claim that “I have a passport” is also not supported by the fact that 86% of EVE players agree you do not have a passport.


Actually he did specify a simple Yes or No answer.

That has been pointed out to you numerous times, including quotes that show him doing exactly what you are saying he didn’t do.

Case in point for the hard of reading.

Do carry on with your delusional posting though. I, for one, am trés amused at you floundering around in a pool of your own excrement.


I guess it’s better for him to argue over 100 posts, especially since the number of posts is super duper mega important!!!111111eleventy

In fact, I think he managed to salvosh his own thread😂

At this point I’m asking honest questions just to prove he is a troll
 Won’t answer questions but wants to focus on the passport thing for 300+ posts :stuck_out_tongue:

I think the new title for this thread is “Q:does salvos have a passport? A:POTATO!”


Doubt it.

86% of EVE players agree - Salvos does not have a passport.

That’s an even higher percentage than those that agree we should disband the CSM.


I do have a passport.

That’s not what I asked.