lol, I read that as “rectal”
I still think this campaign needs some Salvos merchandise. I really want a Salvos cap.
You have so far showed an inability or unwillingness to answer a simple yes or no question in the required format. If you are unable to answer such a question how are your constituents supposed to have any confidence in your ability to represent their needs to ccp?
I’m not sure he needed one.
Nah that would be a cranial-rectal inversion; it takes a truly dedicated prick to get one of those.
Did he ever even answer Brisc’s question?
Not in a format that every highschooler understands, which is what I thought he was before he posted a video.
Age-gauging is difficult with Eve.
Not in the specified format.
The slogan will be:
“Yes or no? I don’t know!”
I almost choked on that
For the love of Bob… @Salvos_Rhoska You call me out on what questions you avoided, I link the questions and you avoid them, instead focus on the trolling. Bob be praised, you are such a pointless troll I can’t wait for you to ACTUALLY campaign so you will be actually trolled, because if this is any kind of hint at how you can handle yourself when in an even remotly public forum than I would not want you to represent me as a player to CCP.
Because at the end of the day, regardless of what you want the CSM to be, it is a bridge between us (the players) and CCP (the company that makes Eve) The CSM is not a political entity that makes decisions or runs anything, they are a collection of voices for both us as player to give CCP feedback, and bring CCP updates and positions to us with a more player based face.
“The Council of Stellar Management is a player advocacy group, consisting of 10 members democratically elected by the players to advise and assist CCP in the continuous development of EVE. The CSM brings focused, structured feedback from the community to CCP and represents its views and interests.”
-CCP website-
If a player never visits the forum, looks at the launcher when logging in or lives in a backwater system then I can see them not having heard of the CSM. As a hi sec player (on another character) I encountered CSM candidates visiting systems to advertise their candidacy. The most time consuming part of the whole CSM election, for the voter, is researching and choosing who to vote for.
I confess, I have succumbed to the bribes of humor and entertainment, salvos has successfully just bought my vote. in fact I am going to go a step further and aid his campaign. starting with t-shirts.
I’ll take 5
But, he’s against contributions…
But that’s not what you said. You said you’ve “always” had one.
Which is not true.
Thus, in your own thread announcing you are planning on announcing that you’ll run for CSM, you liked to the voters.
Salvos lied, the truth died.
you gonna be at vegas? because if there is enough interest I may just get a bunch printed to bring with.
No, he hasn’t answered the question.
It’s amazing, really.
I wish I could have, but I got a computer instead
I also don’t have a passport, so yeah
You know, I dated someone for many years who had serious mental issues due to a neurochemical imbalance. When they were medicated, everything was fine. But one of the first signs that they’d been off their meds was their insistence of ‘I’m fine, I don’t need them’.
It’s not an uncommon thing to encounter in people who are not fine. One of the problems with asserting that you (not you specifically, the generic ‘you’) are mentally healthy is that the tool that is being used to determine that (the mind) is precisely the thing suspected of being impaired.
In other words? No. Someone insisting they are in good mental health should never ‘lay to rest any concerns’ of mental unfitness. Observed behavior, not (potential) patient insistence, is a much more reliable meter.
Also, if there’s no malice, only a sincere belief that the statement is true, then there is no libel. Accusations of criminal acts should be submitted to CCP along with evidence, or not made.
As I said, Aryth will eat him alive.
Do you expect to need to run very far in the Icelandic conference rooms you have no intention of setting foot inside?
The CSM’s job isn’t political. Getting elected is always political. It’s a political process. You have to get the votes, and by and large, human beings are emotional, not rational, actors.
Seriously now. What ‘dirt’ do you think you’re going to dig up on him that real world politics hasn’t exposed? Being on the CSM is the dirt people will already be throwing at him in his next campaign.
Brisc didn’t out you as a smoker. YOU did that in your posted videos.
If this is true, why do you persist on walking into it? I mean, you do realize you’re the one coming across as foolish here, not him, right? And that’s even with him claiming to be able to run a 2.4-minute mile. Really, I’m kinda surprised he hasn’t questioned the 11 v 12 minute thing based on the relativistic time dilation effect of acceleration.
Well, except for two minor problems.
1)You haven’t been elected yet. You don’t have constituents.
2)Your targe audience are the people who, by and large, don’t get involved. The vast majority of the people who don’t vote for the CSM are people who don’t get involved in the forums, don’t engage with the community, and generally don’t care. They play on their own or with their small group, and they’re happy with that.
You have a very Russian view on libel laws.
Yeah, he’s allowed to mock you. Nothing in the CSM guidelines says you can’t mock people when they’re being dumb, and clearly, he thinks you’re being dumb.
No, that’s disagreement. Cognitive dissonance would be if he was holding two mutually-exclusive convictions and insisting they don’t conflict.
Did you just say supporting you is trolling?
Now, that’s just patently false, and foolish. We have plenty of people every year who don’t vote the Coalition line ballot. We have no way of forcing them to do so, and they’re perfectly free to vote however they like. Our only position regarding conformity is that they can’t actively argue for others not to vote the party line on our forums, because that’s agitating against the interests of the Coalition. There’s a term for it, but it’d get censored here because these forums are less permissive than the headlines of Danish new services.
Damn, you are funny today. Especially since you’re looking to be a protest vote. Protest votes often don’t happen because people agree with your platform, but in opposition to all the other platforms.
Almost all international corporations use online conferencing because of the reduced disruptions to the scheduling around the conference. Those same international corporations prefer to use face-to-face meetings when possible, because the breadth and depth of communication in those meetings is greater, with better comprehension, better ability to get immediate and in-depth feedback, and do it all faster than online communication allows.
You have not. You have, in fact, specifically avoided providing that proof except to claim that your own assertions are proof. In fact, when direct evidence that refuted your assertions was presented, you specifically refused to address that evidence.
So glad I wasn’t drinking when I read that.
You know it won’t take much more than 11 minutes!
Sooo… it’s illegal to ask someone their name when you meet them? That’d be a weird law.
Hi. I needed a passport as an infant in order to travel. I had one, literally within 2 weeks of birth (Born to a military family on deployment overseas, passport paperwork was in to be filed as soon as the birth date was written in by my father’s CO). Did you? Please provide your answer in the form of a simple ‘Yes’ or ‘No’, no other answers will be considered a valid answer for this question.