Running for CSM next year:

Have you ever run for CSM?

Would that matter? As far as I am concerned, this isn’t about your candidacy anyway, since you know… you don’t do stuff regular candidates do.

Like, explaining your position. Sharing your thoughts and visions. Responding to questions. Treating questioneers seriously and with respect.

You did none of that.

Instead, I would say you are only “running” because Falcon called you out.


This is the 7th time I am reiterating that you do not control the forums, you do not control who posts in a public thread, and you do not control me.

You can draw whatever incorrect conclusions you wish - you can even keep making things up out of whole cloth as you have been doing. That isn’t going to change any of the three things I just told you.

Have you ever read your own posts?

Your entire forum “career” has been you consistently trying to big yourself up, and failing.

You come across as what my mum calls “The Big I Am”. Me, I think you’re an educated fool with too much time on his hands and an overly inflated opinion of himself.

I thought they were silent because they are in asset safety after you blew up your own CSM campaign.


Does the name Raskin mean anything to you?

Nope, was he like you?

Daniel_Raskin is nothing like me.

What’s your point?

Talk about your weird conversation stoppers…

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I could ask you the same.

You disagree with my views.

Vote for someone else.

"don’t question me, troll!

Edit: Sorry, forgot something :stuck_out_tongue:

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None of the trolls here will vote for me, no matter what I say.

I’m not the candidate for you.

Can a candidate vote himself?

Yes, they can.

well, then the one troll in here will probably vote for Salvos.


Only if he is subbed

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I don’t have a problem with this statement, for once we actually agree on something.

Nonetheless I shall continue to question your platform and support as is the privilege of every member of the electorate.

I would guess that he did. After all, he is posting here and holds the majority of postings in this thread.

After considering the arguments Arrendis laid out detailing why one candidate per corp or alliance cannot work, are you still of the opinion that it can. If so, could you please explain in as much detail how it could work.

Please note, I have considered the case of CCP requiring a candiadte to use their highest SP character and can see how such a character could still play* with member of their ex-corp through the very simple means of setting corporate standings to blue.
*(Of course sovereignty actions would be affected to some degree)