Running for CSM next year:

oh well, point for you. He scored one! I feel ashamed for providing it.


Noā€¦the context was that there was no proof that Brisc did not run 5 miles in 12 minutes, not that he didnā€™t claim it.

Itā€™s okay - like I said, there is no evidence I didnā€™t do it, so Salvos is required by his own logic to accept it as true.

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Brisc Rubal

Politician by day, Road Runner/Evil Goon Overlord by night.

Meep Meep.


Nobody has ever run 5 miles in 12 mins.

Its not humanly, physically, possible.

Who are you to say? Have you seen every human?

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Erm, excuse me. Now-a-humble-question: since when exactly do you accept plausibility as a thing? After all, you ignored Arrendisā€™ plausible explanation to your claim about seating restrictions?

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Unless you think Brisc can run run faster and longer than any Olympian champion or World Record holder, it didnt happen and he is lying.

He just wont own his lies, just like he wont ask CCP questions cos he doesnt want the answer (or, more likely, doesnt want to antagonize his ā€œyesā€-man status).

This again??? WE both explained to you. Heā€™s not gonna ask a question for me, whenever he canā€™t give me the answer.

Thatā€™s what they told Michael Phelps.


Think about what you just said.

Whether he can give the answer to you, has nothing about presenting the question to CCP, which he did not do as your rep.

I know exactly what I said. He will not ask a dev a question that I had, whenever He knows he canā€™t tell me, due to the NDA.

So ok.

IF you become CSM, and I or anyone else ask a question regarding something getting buffed. You will ask, but still hold it in, even though you cannot tell us?? Or you would just not ask, knowing you canā€™t tell us anyway.

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He would still ask, just to waste Dev time. At least, thatā€™s the conclusion I must draw from what he said.



I can tell you I delivered the question, but thats it.
Still, the question WAS delivered, unlike by Brisc.

i donā€™t doubt that one bit.

As I said before, you have no evidence I didnā€™t, and thus your attacks on my integrity are libel.

As for the rest, does anybody here honestly think that asking questions of CCP in private that can never be released would ever somehow harm somebodyā€™s fanboy status if they had it? Why would it?

You said before you didnā€™t understand my point and I think itā€™s clear you still donā€™t.

If a player asks you a question that they want CCP to answer, and you ask and CCP tells you, what do you do at that point?

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Wasting dev time by asking. Dev time is precious and always short (every GameDev will tell you that), but they donā€™t mind.


And the person who asked the question has no way of ever knowing whether the question was asked or answered.

If a tree falls in a forest and thereā€™s no one to hear it, does it make a sound?

Just for you, Salvos - from now on, Iā€™ll ask every question somebody asks me to ask.

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I have the entirety of athletic and human history, and your own ad in which you perform, to prove you did not run 5 miles in 12 mins as you claimed.

Give it up.

You stated you did NOT ask questions, because you did not want to hear the answer.
This is in your own post above.

The fact that no one else has been able to do it does not mean that no one will.

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